Disclaimer/Informer/Important Stuff

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Hey fellow readers, Tolkienites, and bookworms! This is once again a story inspired by my dreams 🙄 lol (Which means we're both in trouble 😋 lol.) And, if you're not familiar with my books this 'chapter' is well, a disclaimer and an informer chapter. It's not necessary to read, but please read the sentence below just to say you did! Thanks!!

I Don't own anything related to Professor J.R.R Tolkien, Peter Jackson, or anything you may hear (songs), or read such as poems or quotes.
(I think we all know us fanfic writers don't own anything, right? 😋)
Thanks once again for reading that - I know they can be a pain!

One more important thing: the updates won't be constant like most stories because, I have a serious health issue that keeps me from doing so. Epilepsy. At the moment, it's uncontrolled.
"What does that mean?" You may ask. Well, I'm on several medications twice a day but they don't do shiz. I'm having seizures every. day. (They're called "partial-complex seizures.") When I have them everyday I feel like a zombie. I have to force myself to get out of bed, to move. With just 1 seizure I need around 3 hours of sleep to get my full energy back afterwards. Imagine having 6 in one day. That was my record.

Below is what can happen during them. I'm usually completely unaware of what I'm doing, and it lasts up to 5 minutes.
In April I'm to undergo testing for brain surgery. - To see if I'm a candidate for the area that the seizures in my brain occupy to be removed.
(I'm looking for a permanent solution. And the seizure specialist told me "you have less than 1% chance of ever being seizure free on medication." We both think this is the right path. )

Now, if you wish to know a little bit about what you're about to read - continue to scroll on! If not, just skip to the next chapter!

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Now, if you wish to know a little bit about what you're about to read - continue to scroll on! If not, just skip to the next chapter!

Once again, I couldn't fit everyone in the picture 😔 But I tried!

Song: You Can't Judge a Book By it's Cover by Bo Diddley
(I'm a 25yr old Classic Rock nut. 😋)

I'll put many spaces for those who don't wish to see the hints, so just scroll down 😋

* I'll be honest I don't have a whole plot. Though a plot is forming more and more each day! Ah-ha! 😁
* This will focus mostly on Kili & Tauriel.
* My first romance story, am I nervous? Yes! (But than again, I did a story about a girl having a father, aka Thorin and it has 10k+ reads....I never had a dad, so we'll see how this ones goes!)
* It'll focus mainly on the last two movies, maybe after.
* And Of course twists and turns!
* Pictures and Videos.
* As with all of my Middle Earth fanfics I'll do the chapter names in Tolkien's languages.
* I do my best to edit the chapters, but some of them I write at 2am or so... And will be edited later on, like the day after.

Last thing: I love being 'spammed' with votes and comments even if its just a literal "Hi" it lets me know you like the chapter! (It only takes a few seconds...)

Lastly; I hope yah enjoy this story!

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