Namárië Hondo-Ninya (Farewell My Love)

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Kili paused in his steps. "That horn, it means Thorin's coming out of the mountain!"
"Are you certain?" I asked.
"Yes, that's a battle horn, Erebor's battle horn Tauriel." Fili spoke.
"I'll find Mithrandir and tell him we're going to find him, and your kin."
Minutes later, and many dead orcs. I found Mithrandir ahead of us.
"Mithrandir, Kili, Fili and I are returning to the mountain to fight with Thorin." I informed him.
"Are you certain of your choice?" He asked.
"Yes, and I'll keep them safe. I promise. Farewell Mithrandir."

I rushed back to the two Dwarves who managed to get themselves in trouble once again.
Quickly dispatching a few more Orcs, we rushed for Erebor as fast as our feet could carry us.


* Translations in Dwarvish and/Or Elvish will appear in bold askrisk's- "alatulya" *welcome*
* Thoughts will be be in italic apostrophes 'hello fellow readers!'
* Italics without apostrophes are to put emphasis on certain words.
Example: Run. Run!


Little did we know, that we looked back we would see a worried Gandalf looking in our direction.

We paused mid-run as a bell broke Erebor's wall that they had built.
I looked to the two dwarves and we continued to run, slaying anything dangerous in our paths.
We weren't far off, we were close enough to hear Dain yell "To the King, to the King!"
Soon, we came face to face with Thorin. He stopped when he spotted us, and put a hand on both his nephews shoulders. "I am sorry for the pain I have caused you. Will you forgive me?" Thorin spoke.
"Of course uncle. You weren't yourself." Fili answered.
"Thorin, this is Tauriel. She saved my life." Kili introduced me.
"Greetings, King Under the Mountain." I smiled.
"Thank you, Tauriel for saving my nephews life, and keeping them both safe when I was...not myself. Will you join us as well?"
"I will."

It was then, that we charged our enemy, Dwarves and one Elleth *female elf*, verses many Orcs and other foul creatures. I stayed by the Durin's. Having a feeling that they must live.

I over heard Thorin and Dain coming up with a plan... One to end the battle.
Soon, Thorin and Dain approached us, asking Fili and Kili to join them on Raven Hill to take out the leader. "I cannot ask any more of you, Tauriel." Thorin spoke.
"Nonsense. I'm coming. Whether you know it or not, I'm your Nephew's One. Thorin Oakenshield." I told him, finding myself a steed as the others had already had theirs. Dwalin had shown up, also.
So, Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, and I rode up to Ravenhill.

Ravenhill was pure chaos. It was as if they had predicted us coming. For they attacked as soon as we arrived. Though, one might be able to see five riders coming towards this mountain from below.
Once again following my gut, I stuck close to Fili and Kili.

"Where is he?" Kili asked as we stood in a semi-circle. It was quiet, too quiet.
"It looks empty, I think Azog has fled."
"I don't think so..." Thorin almost whispered.
"Fili, take your brother. Scout out the towers." Thorin ordered.
"I'll go with." I spoke.
Thorin nodded in thanks.
"Keep low, and out of sight. If you see something report back. Do not engage. Do you understand?" Thorin continued.
"We have company." Dwalin stated. "Goblin mercenaries. No more then a hundred."
"Go, now!" Thorin ordered. "We'll take care of them."
I hurried them along. "Come, now. Lets go. They'll be alright."
Fili, Kili and I soon entered the towers, and tunnels and got separated before I could prevent it. Kili began to run off, but Fili stopped it. "Hey. Stay here, search the lower levels. I've got this." He said.
"We're suppose to report back remember?" I said quietly. Then, he was gone out of sight. I sighed. Who do I follow? My One, or Fili who heard a noise? I was torn.

I decided to follow Kili to keep him safe, he was more reckless. Fili had more experience with a blade, and knives.
Kili and I were looking out a tunnel, Azog had Fili. I drew my bow hearing horses hooves coming closer, I rode on that horse plenty of times - I knew who it was.
Letting the arrow go, it pierced Azog's arm. Letting Fili fall.
Kili turned to me as if to ask why I let him fall to his death, just as a horse and the rider caught him. - Legolas.

After the horse bolted away with Fili safe, Kili ran out of the tunnels angry at Azog. I followed suit not wanting him to get injured, or worse. "Kili!" Thorin and I both yelled.

I followed Kili as he rushed up the steps, beheading an Orc. Anger pulsing through him.
Kili quickly dispatched another Orc before I could even get the chance to help.
I got the one that was coming up behind him, luckily.
Getting knocked down the steps, I ran into another Orc and separated from Kili. This Orc, Bolg wasn't as nice as the others for he proceeded to toss me around like a rag doll into the rocks, and twisted my right arm as I was about to stab him.
I got a few slices into his skin in, but not enough to kill. Bolg eventually got the chance where he was able to lift me into the air, to cut off my oxygen. But, I was just the right height so I could kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

Then, Bolg tossed me into the rocks again. I was so bruised and battered and out of air I couldn't get up. As he approached I couldn't help but wonder which end of the weapon would he use? The spike, or the mace? Probably the spike to run me through... As he was a few feet away, I watched as my beloved Kili saved me by jumping on his shoulders, and driving the terrible Orc away. But deep down, I knew that this foe was too big for him as Bolg tossed Kili onto the stairs. I had to do something... I had to save Kili, my One.

Bolg advanced on Kili, I slowly got up and stood, watching the scene unfold. Kili was hitting him, but Bolg would push hiS sword away at times. Just as he was about to stab Kili, I jumped on his shoulders shouting "No!", I managed to take him over the cliff with my leg pushing us off the rocks giving us extra momentum. I heard Kili yell "Amrâlimê!" As we fell.

I laid on my back gasping in pain, too much pain to move. I had probably broken some ribs. My eyesight was blurry when I moved my head. And, to make it all the worse... I heard heavy footsteps. 'Bolg...' I thought with a wince. I had hoped he died with the fall. Guess I wasn't that lucky. 'Goodbye my sweet Kili.'

Bolg soon advanced, and stood over me. From the corner of my eye I could see Legolas, his arm reached back for an arrow but there were none. I smiled at him, tears leaking out of my eyes. If it's my time, then so be it. I managed to say "Thorin" loud enough for Legolas to hear. He nodded. The Durin line must survive, this I knew...

With my last word, Bolg grinned his nasty grin and stuck his spike through my stomach. I screamed in agony, more tears flowing. I would never see Kili again, nor his brother or uncle, even Gandalf and Legolas.
But, perhaps in the afterlife I would... If I was lucky, just once. I said a final farewell to my loved ones as I faded.

Tauriel never did find out the fate of Bolg, nor the rest of those she fought with but she hoped they survived.

How was it?
So, the sequel is up and running! 😋
Its name?
In Another Lifetime {After Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/Tauriel Book 2
Note📝 : it'll have a different redhead on the cover!

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