Captain (Hesto)

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She came to a hault in front of the two one on an Elk, the other on a Horse. Shortly after noticing they were, in fact...royals. She bowed. Highly embarrassed.
"Rise." Came the command.
And so she did.
"Where do you hail from?" Asked the one on the Elk.
"I...woke up in the destroyed village." Young Tauriel responded.
".."Woke up"?..What do you mean by that?" He continued to question.
"I, just simply woke up. I don't remember anything...." She tried to explain further.
She looked into the eyes of the one who was on the horse, silently pleading to believe her.
"Ada, I believe her. Those aren't the eyes of a liar." The son spoke.
His father nodded his head.
"If you really don't remember, I am Prince Legolas and this is my father King Thranduil."
Her eyes widened. "I'm sorry your majesty's. I didn't know."
The king smiled.
"It's quite alright, it seems as if you're the lone survivor. So you'll be under my protection from now on." He informed her.
"What's your name if I might ask?" King Thranduil asked.
"T-Tauriel, your highness."
"Mm, a nice name indeed."
"Legolas, would you mind if she rides with you?"
He shook his head no.

Thranduil had us head towards Mirkwood, and what I assumed was his palace.
'My new home.'


* Translations in elvish will appear in bold askrisk's- "alatulya" *welcome*
* Thoughts will be be in italic apostrophes 'hello fellow readers!'
* Italics without apostrophes are to put emphasis on certain words.
Example: Run. Run!


___ Fast Forward to 780 Years ___

I had shown unyielding loyalty to Thranduil and his son, Legolas throughout my 780 years, so much so that he had made me Captain of the Guard. I thanked the King profusely at the time, of course. And also through the years, I've had dreams.. Strange dreams. Most of them included a dark haired Dwarf, sometimes accompanied by a blond, and another dark haired one with grey streaks in the hair. They varied. Once there were thirteen. And I heard a familiar voice telling me to "help these Dwarves or they shall rot in prison." In my dream, I honestly wish I knew what these were. Am I seeing the future? Hallucinations? Past memories that I've long forgotten? My head began to spin with questions.
'I need to see the stars.' I thought to myself. And so, I took to the trees. The stars always lightened my spirits.

Not long ago, I had begun to notice Legolas's interest in me increase. I had begun to fear that this might have happen. For I saw him as nothing else but a best friend, someone that always had my back when I needed it. And I, him. Plus, surely the King would never allow us to be together even if I had returned his affections.

I looked to the stars, thinking on my past wondering who I really was. Who are my parents? I fumbled with my necklace, which was also a key to the music box I eventually discovered. I never took it off. But I can't remember who gave it to me. I only remember a song, which seems like part of a lullaby. I started to hum it, before long one could hear me whispering the lyrics.

"Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December.

Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...

Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory...

Far away, long ago,
Glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart
Used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...

And a song
Someone sings
Once upon a December..."

During the last few lines I heard footsteps. I drew out by bow in the direction of the noise, only to see Legolas approaching via tree limbs. "Mae Govannen, Legolas." I spoke with a bow of my head. *Well Met, Legolas.*
"Mae Govannen, Tauriel. Calainis inyë lim?" *Well Met, Tauriel. May I join you?*
"En ranta ninya heru Legolas." *Of course my Lord Legolas.*
He groaned. "How many times have I told you not to call me "prince" or "lord", Tauriel?"
She smiled. "Not enough. When it reaches 2,000 I'll be pleased." Tauriel laughed.
He rolled his eyes. "I heard the faint whisper of singing. Was it a memory?"
"I...don't know. It's one of the few things I can remember." She spoke, fumbling with her necklace/key.
"Hm, I see. Well it's a good start I suppose." Legolas said, laying a hand on her shoulder.
She smiled. "Yes, I suppose your right."
"You will remember in time, Tauriel. Have patience." Legolas spoke.
I nodded. "Lets hope so..."
Legolas and I spent several hours sitting in the tree tops talking and staring at the stars.
He was the kind of person that I could tell anything. Though I chose to keep the dreams to myself. I knew what they were. I had the rare gift of sight, through dreaming. Which was incredibly rare. But I didn't mind it - at least I didn't space out during my daily activities. I sometimes forced myself to sleep just to see if I would see anything.
Sometimes it worked, other times not.

____ Fast Forward Until Morning ____

I had another one last night. Another seeing. The same group of Dwarves and a Hobbit had entered Mirkwood and had gotten lost. Soon after, they were found by those spiders. I witnessed them falling one by one, but the Hobbit was nowhere to be seen. After they had all found each other, (except the Hobbit) they got surrounded than I heard Elven footsteps. I silently wondered if I was amongst them...when the dream stopped.

After that night, the seeing's came more often. I'd see them on the back of the Great Eagles, in Lake Town, fighting Goblins with Mithrandir. Though I got the feeling that whatever I was seeing was not in order... Whenever I got too anxious I played my music box and sang or hummed along, either that or I searched out the stars. - If it was a clear night. I had a gut feeling that whatever was coming, would be here soon. Just how soon? Only the Valar knew...

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