Barrel Rider (Ilgiol Rochben)

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Later that evening I was summoned to see Thranduil. But I also sensed another presence. 'The Hobbit?'
"I know you're there. Why do you linger in the shadows?" Thranduil spoke. 'Does he sense it too?'
"I was coming to report to you, My lord."
"I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons past." He replied.
"We cleared the forest as ordered, my Lord. But more spiders keep coming up from the south. They are spawning in the ruins of Dol Guldur. If we could kill them at their source..."
"That fortress lies beyond our borders. Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures. That is your task."
"And when we drive them off, what then? Will they not spread to other lands?" I asked, pacing.
"Other lands are not my concern."
I stared at him.
"The fortunes of the world will rise and fall. But here in this Kingdom, we will endure."
I began to walk away, disappointed in our King.
"Legolas said you fought well today. He has grown very fond of you."
"I assure you, my Lord Legolas thinks of me as no more than a captain of the guard." I said, not believing my own words. I knew he was falling in love with me.
"Perhaps he did once. Now, I am not so sure."
My mouth hung open.
"I do not think you would allow your son to pledge himself to a lowly Silvan Elf, with limited memories of who she is."
"No, you are right. I would not. Still, he cares about you. Do not give him hope where there is none."
"That will not be a problem, my Lord." I spoke before walking away.


* Translations in Dwarvish and/Or Elvish will appear in bold askrisk's- "alatulya" *welcome*
* Thoughts will be be in italic apostrophes 'hello fellow readers!'
* Italics without apostrophes are to put emphasis on certain words.
Example: Run. Run!


I felt lonely, and curious. And it was a cloudy night. Before going to the dungeons I put my music box in a side pocket.
This dark haired Dwarf made me curious beyond belief. And I couldn't explain why.
I made it to his cell to see him tossing a stone. One like I've never seen.
"The stone in your hand, what is it?" I asked.
"It is a talisman. A powerful spell lies upon it. If any but a Dwarf reads the runes on this stone... They will be forever cursed!" He said before thrusting the said talisman out to where I could read it. I jumped back, startled - then began walking up towards the upper levels.
"Or not." He spoke before I could leave. "Depending on whether you believe in that kind of thing. It's just a token." The Dwarf continued.
I smiled.
"A rune stone. My mother gave it to me so I'd remember my promise." He continued.
"What promise?" I asked, curious.
"That I would come back to her."
"She worries." He began tossing it up in the air again. "She thinks I'm reckless."
"Are you?"
"Nah." The Dwarf replied...before the rune stone slipped out of his hand and through the bars. I caught it with my foot.
"It is beautifully crafted, master dwarf." I spoke examining the stone. Before handing it to him.
"Kili. My name's Kili."
"And mine is Tauriel."
"A beautiful name, Tauriel." Kili spoke.
I looked down, smiling.

"Sounds like quite the party you're having up their." He stated.
"It is Mereth e-nGilith The Feast Of Starlight. All light is sacred to the Eldar. But Wood Elves love best is the light of the stars."
"I always thought it as a cold light. Remote and far away." He spoke.
"It is memory, precious and pure. Like your promise." I replied, shocked.
"I have walked there sometimes, to the tree tops to see the stars. I have seen the world fall away and the white light forever fill the air." I said, drifting off into my memories.
"I saw a fire moon once. It rose over the pass near Dunland. Huge. Red and gold, it was. It filled the sky. We were an escort for some merchants from Ered Luin. They were trading in silver work for furs. We took the Greenway south. Keeping the mountain to our left. And than it appeared. This huge fire moon. Lighting our path. I wish I could show you."
"That sounds amazing, I wish I could have been their with you."

"Since you showed and told me so much, I have something to show you."
I pulled out my music box, and its key from underneath my tunic.
"This, is one of the few things I have from my past. It's a music box." I put the key in, and it opened letting music fill the air.
Kili was amazed. "That, is one of the most amazing things I've seen."
"It was lying next to me when I woke up... The King and Prince Legolas took me in. I have amnesia." I admitted.
Kili looked curious. "So, you don't remember anything from before waking up?"
I shook my head.
"That must be lonely..." He spoke.
"It can be." I replied.
After the music stopped I put it away.
I stood up, "I must be going, I have duties to attend to."
"Will I see you again?" He asked hurriedly.
"We'll see." I spoke, walking to the upper levels.

I walked down the steps, and heard faint footsteps as I entered the room which held the wine. The other Elves were busy getting drunk. I rolled my eyes.
I walked towards the almost silent footsteps, whispering "Hobbit? If you're here, follow me. I mean no harm."
Sure enough, the footsteps followed.
I walked towards my chambers walking in, and leaving the door open a tad longer than necessary.
Turning around, I spotted the said Hobbit that was with the company of Dwarves.
"How did you know I was their?" He questioned.
"Bofur mentioned that you were missing." I replied.
"I, too wish to free the Dwarves." I spoke.
That took him by surprise.
"Not all Elves in the Woodland realm are against Dwarves, master Hobbit."
"I gathered that, just now..."

"The barrels you saw, leave for Lake Town in a few hours." I informed him.
"I will sneak down their, with you and the Dwarves and pull the lever. Making sure you escape as well."
"What if they notice that you let us go?" The Hobbit asked.
"I have a plan for that too, don't worry."
"Thank you for your help...erm,"
"Right, I'm Bilbo of The Shire."
"Nice to meet you, Bilbo."
"Now, shall we free the Dwarves and yourself?"

I apologize for the delay in updates, the seizures have been even more active.
The other day, I had 2 and I took a nap, got woken up for dinner and I could barely see or walk. (Scared me shit-less)
The next day I had 3. Today I had 2. So I've been feeling like a zombie. I can't get enough sleep!! Every seizure I have, I need around 3 hours to recoup. -Regain my energy for. It sucks.
I apologize once again! 😞

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