Nauglar, Eldalië, Adanath, Ar Perian! (Dwarves, Elves, Men, and Hobbits!)

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With goodbyes said, we lowered ourselves to the ground.
"Are you ready, Kili?" I asked.
He looked at me, hood up "Not really." He admitted.
I held his hand, "We'll get through it together."
We made way towards Thranduil's tent quickly, before the sun rose.
By sunrise we made it stealthily (for the most part) to his tent, and it was humongous. I stepped inside first, signing for Kili to wait just outside.

"My Lord Thranduil?" I asked, head down.
"Tauriel, what brings you here? I thought you had gone with Legolas to Gundabad?"
"Nay, My Lord. I had to follow my heart."
"I see, and what did your heart tell you?"
"That many a life may be at stake, and I should stay close. I believe Thorin Oakenshield wants war. And I believe I have a way to stop it."
"Do you now?" Thranduil asked, interested.
"And is this method standing just outside my tent?"
"He is." I answered.
"By all means, go get this method of yours." Thranduil spoke.


* Translations in Dwarvish and/Or Elvish will appear in bold askrisk's- "alatulya" *welcome*
* Thoughts will be be in italic apostrophes 'hello fellow readers!'
* Italics without apostrophes are to put emphasis on certain words.
Example: Run. Run!


I stepped outside of the tent and walked over to Kili. "Are you ready to see King Thranduil?" I asked.
He looked up at me, "Not really, but let's get this meeting done with."
Together we walked into Thranduil's tent.
"Ah, if it isn't the young Dwarf Prince, Kili." He spoke.
"Greetings, King Thranduil." Kili replied with a nod of his head.
"So, Tauriel, Kili, what is your plan if I may ask?"
"When my uncle see's your army on his doorstep he most certainly will think of it as a threat, and want war. When that happens we were thinking that you could use me for ransom. He's not exactly... Himself right now. He fell to the dragon sickness. But we have faith he will come out of it." Kili said.
Thranduil stood up. "I see." He spoke, thinking. "And what do your kin think?"
"They support my decision." Kili said.
"I was their, they indeed support it." Tauriel confirmed his words.
"Then we shall use your plan, if need be. Until then, come, have a drink with me." Thranduil spoke.

Tauriel and Kili joined Thranduil, and they talked about various things.
Soon it was dawn and the Dwarves began to rise from their slumber. The one that was on watch, Bofur fell asleep. And was soon reprimanded for it by Dwalin when they noticed none other then an Army of Elves on their doorstep, though Fili, Kili, And Bofur knew about them last night anyhow.

The people of Lake Town had moved into Dale later in the same day that Tauriel had made her way to Kili. She happened to somehow miss the sight of hundreds of men, woman and children.

By now, all of the Dwarves, (except one, though many had yet to notice that the reckless Kili had disappeared.) And a Hobbit of Erebor were on the balcony overlooking the Army of Elves before them. One of them in particular was rather... Ticked off. And that said Dwarf? Was none other then Thorin Oakenshield.

Suddenly a rider on a white horse appeared, riding towards the mountain. It was Bard.
"Hail, Thorin, son of Thrain. We are glad to find you alive beyond hope." He spoke.
"Why do you come to the gates of The King under the Mountain armed for war?" Thorin asked from the balcony.
"Why does the King under the Mountain fence himself in like a robber in his hold?" Bard replied.
"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed."
"My lord...We have not come to rob you. But to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" Bard spoke.
Thorin thought on his words, then the Dwarves and Hobbit headed down to the only light in the mountain, besides the balcony.
"I am listening." Thorin stated.
"On behalf of the people of Lake-Town I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives." Bard bargained.
"I will not treat with any man. While an armed host lies before my door." Thorin said.
"That armed host will attack this Mountain if we do not come to terms." Bard tried to reason.
"And your threats do not sway me." Thorin replied, bored.
"What of your conscious? Does it not tell you our cause is just? My people offered you help. And in return you brought upon them only ruin and death." Bard attempted to reason once more.
"When did Lake-Town come to our aid but for the promise of rich reward?"
"A bargain was struck!"
"A bargain? What choice did we have but to barter our birthright... For blankets and food? To ransom our future in exchange for our freedom? You call that a fair trade?" Thorin had a point.
"Tell me...Bard the Dragon-Slayer why should I honor such terms?" Thorin questioned.
"Because you gave us your word." Bard stated simply. "Does that mean nothing?"

That, made Thorin think and go out of view for a few minutes.
What had become of him? His mind was so...muddled.
He looked to his fellow Dwarves. He had to protect his home, his birthright.

"Be gone! 'Ere our arrows fly!" He yelled.

Surely this was a death wish.

Bard hit the stone, he had failed. He got on his white horse and rode off to inform Thranduil.

"He will give us nothing." Bard informed Thranduil.
"Such a pity. Still, you tried."
"I do not understand." Bard said, confused.
"Why? Why would he risk war?"
"It is fruitless to reason with them, besides we have something, or rather some one on our side." Thranduil replied.
"What do you mean by that, exactly?" Bard asked.
"In time, you will see." Thranduil informed him.

Little did they know that Gandalf had arrived at Thranduil's tent before both of them.

I apologize that this chapter took forever to well, be updated. It was being stubborn than I had to hunt down the dang cd! 🙄
Life, hasn't been easy lately. Flat tires, seizures, fights, ordering tires online...etc.
Put it this way, I feel like I'm going to turn into The Hulk at any moment. (If I could do so.)
And I'll have to add a video later, dinner's ready - I just pulled the 🙄 face.

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