Cilmë, Cilmë (Decisions, Decisions)

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Elf from Mirkwood rode up, towards us. "Hîr nín, Legolas. Celin 'winiath o adar lín. Cân i hi danwenidh na le."
*My Lord Legolas... I bring word from your Father. You are to return to him immediately.*
"Tolo, Tauriel!" *Come, Tauriel!*
"Hîr nín... Edlennen Tauriel." * My Lord...Tauriel is banished.*
"Edlennen?" *Banished?*
Shock was on my face. But I quickly recovered.

"You may tell my father...if there is no place for Tauriel, there is no place for me." Legolas spoke, angered.
I walked up so I was beside Legolas and put a hand on his arm.
"It is alright, Legolas. Do not worry about me. It is also your King's command."
"Naw aran nín, mal ú-gân innas nín." * Yes, he is my King...But he does not command my heart.*
I let out a sigh.

"I ride North. Will you come with me?" He asked.
I looked at the lake. There were still some boats left.
I was once again torn.
Should I go with Legolas, or go find Kili?


* Translations in Dwarvish and/Or Elvish will appear in bold askrisk's- "alatulya" *welcome*
* Thoughts will be be in italic apostrophes 'hello fellow readers!'
* Italics without apostrophes are to put emphasis on certain words.
Example: Run. Run!


I looked to Legolas with sad eyes. "-Nyë boe aphada nín garn elwen mellon nín." *I must follow my own heart my friend.*
He looked betrayed. "Cé han -ië mana -ldë iest, Tauriel." *If that is what you wish, Tauriel.*
I nodded "It t'is."
"Then go, be with your dwarf." He spoke.
"You're still going North?" I asked.
"Yes, I'll be heading to the remains of Gundabad."
"Be safe, Mellon nín."
"I hope you find peace amongst the Dwarves, Tauriel." He said, before leaving.
"So do I..." I whispered to myself.

Once Legolas was out of sight, I headed for one of the remaining boats my intent was clear. Goto Erebor, Find Kili.

It took half a day of rowing before I reached the shores that would take me to where he was. And, as luck would have it - it was just beyond dusk. For I would have to no doubt sneak my way in. For very few of those Dwarves would trust me, even if I did help them. As I approached Erebor, I noticed four things. The gate was blocked, there was an army of Mirkwood Elves standing between me and Erebor, and seemingly no way to get in except to climb upwards to a balcony, and a certain archer was on watch on that said balcony.

'Well this, just got a whole heck of a lot harder...' I thought, hiding in the darkness. I tried to sneak past the Elves with my light footing. It was Thranduil I was worried about. Eventually I made it most of the way until a couple spotted me.
"Is that you, Tauriel?" One Elf that was under my command asked me.
I turned around swiftly. "Yes, it's me." I smiled, "I've come to bargain with the Dwarves." I lied.
The elf took it as the truth. "Very well, I'll let The King know."
"Why bother him when theres no good news?" I quickly stopped the other elf from leaving.
He inclined his head. "As you wish."
"I'll be going, then. Have a good night." I spoke in finality.

'That, was too close.' I thought.
My footsteps soon quickened, still being silent.

I walked closer, being as quiet as possible. Once I neared the balcony he spotted me. "Tauriel!?" He whispered.
I nodded, smiling. "It's me, Kili!"
"Let me throw you a rope." He spoke.
I began to protest, afraid.
Kili disappeared from view.
'Stubborn Dwarves...'
A rope was suddenly tossed over the balcony. Once it was secured, he gave me the go ahead to start climbing.
As I got closer, he began to speak. "It's okay, they all know."
My grip on the rope almost slipped. 'The company knows what?'
I looked up confused, while climbing.
Once I reached the top, I was immediately embraced.
"My Amrâlimê." He said lovingly.
I hugged him back, never wanting to leave his side again.
"Is everyone alright?" I questioned.
He paused, hesitate. "Thorin's gone mad."
"Gold Sickness..." I whispered.
"I've heard of that, it's what drove my great grandfather mad, King Thror." Kili whispered back, afraid.
"Thorin's strong and stubborn he'll snap out of it." I reassured him.
"We cant let him see you here." Kili realized.
"I know, Kili. But what did you mean by "they all know." If I might ask?"
"They know that you saved me, except Thorin. And they're grateful towards you."
I nodded, smiling.

"We need to hide you, before he notices. Thorin won't understand in this state of mind."
I smiled. "Actually... I have a plan."
"A plan?" Kili asked.
"Yes, we need to sneak back towards Dale to Thranduil's tent. I fear that Thorin will want war, Kili." I whispered.
He gulped. "I have faith in you, Tauriel. Shall we move whilst its still dark?" Kili asked.
I looked at the horizon, weighing the time we had. It was nearly dawn.
"Yes, we better hurry though." I replied.
"Wait, we're going to need someone to get rid of the rope. I'll be back." Kili spoke.
"Kili!" I whispered.
He rushed into the mountain, returning minutes later with Fili and Bofur.
I had hid behind a boulder for safety.
"Tauriel?" He called quietly.
I peaked out.
"Hello again, lass." Bofur spoke cheerily.
"Tauriel! What are you doing here? My uncle will have your head if he see's you." Fili questioned.
"Greetings, Bofur, Fili." I replied.
"She's here to help us, she thinks Thorin will want war when he see's the Elves - and I think so, too." Kili explained.

"Yes, from as much as I heard in Mirkwood, I think he will want war. He doesn't trust the woodland elves. Nor do I blame him. What Thranduil did was wrong. But I have a plan that may help...One you may not like. Kili and I are each other's One, and I promise no harm shall befall him." I explained.
"Why would harm befall my brother?" Fili asked.
"Because I'm going with her to Thranduil's tent, to be used as ransom if necessary, Fili." Kili explained.
Fili glared daggers at us both. "You're out of your minds."
"And you, Tauriel, better keep your word on keeping my brother safe! Having us both gone missing would drive Thorin up the walls. Otherwise I'd come with you."
"Aye, I agree with Fili on this one. But the lass did save Kili's life more than once, and ours. Keep him safe lass." Bofur spoke.
"I'll keep my word. No harm shall befall upon your brother." I replied.
"We'll need someone to hide the rope once we've escaped, can you two do that for us?" Kili asked.
"Aye, that we can do. You two be careful." Bofur said.

With goodbyes said, we lowered ourselves to the ground.
"Are you ready, Kili?" I asked.
He looked at me, hood up "Not really." He admitted.
I held his hand, "We'll get through it together."
We made our way towards Thranduil's tent quickly, before the sun rose.
By sunrise we made it stealthily (for the most part) to his tent, and it was humongous. I stepped inside first, signing for Kili to wait just outside.

"My Lord Thranduil?" I asked, head down.
"Tauriel, what brings you here? I thought you had gone with Legolas to Gundabad?"
"Nay, My Lord. I had to follow my heart."
"I see, and what did your heart tell you?"
"That many a life may be at stake, and I should stay close. I believe Thorin Oakenshield wants war. And I believe I have a way to stop it."
"Do you now?" Thranduil asked, interested.
"And is this method standing just outside my tent?"
"He is." I answered.
"By all means, go get this method of yours." Thranduil spoke.

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