Maeth Hún (Battle Ground)

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Mae Govannen! *well met!* this, sadly isn't a chapter but I have one in the works! This however, Is a very important notice.

On April 7th (my birthday) to who knows when, I'll possibly be absent 😞. Why?
Well, it's the start for my testing. To see if I'm a candidate for brain surgery, to rid me of these uncontrolled seizures. There's a 50% chance that it'll work and it's a 6 month process broken up into several long visits. So for those of you who pray, please send one or a few out to me, Ashley from Michigan. It'll be much appreciated!!
I wouldn't be going for brain surgery if my doctor wasn't against CBD and hadn't told me- "you have less than a 1% chance at ever being seizure free on medications."
Plus my gut is screaming at me that this is the right thing to do, that everything will turn out fine.

If the brain surgery testing fails, I'll go against his wishes and try CBD. This doctor was extremely hard to find, too...
And a quite frankly, I want a permanent solution! I don't want to look over my shoulder and wonder when the next one will strike. It's scary. One time I broke my nose on a refrigerator! Another I came close to breaking my leg. CBD can't give me a permanent solution, surgery can.
I've already had 5 elsewhere on my body... (I have Cerebral Palsy.) If you wish to know, pm and I shall tell. It's a long story. Starts out with me dying before I was born. - in my mothers womb.

Also, most epileptics take 2 kinds of pills. I take at least 5. (Quite frankly I can't remember off the bat.) It totals up to 26 pills a day! My case is severe 😕 but, I've learned to quite literally - Expect The Unexpected and to trust my gut. Thats my life...

I'll be in a hospital for estimated 3 days at least. For an Extended EEG. The good news? The food's good! (NMU) And so are the nurses. I had an EEG there before, and 2 others in another place 🙄.

I'm not sure if they'll let me write, because they need to see me (including my face), and hear me also 😑 I'll have a portable DVD player with me, hopefully.

Thanks for reading this! I thought I'd update yah before I possibly disappear.
If any of you ever have questions on these (or need/want to talk about them) feel free to send me a pm! -
Epilepsy (seizures)
Cerebral Palsy
Fibromyalgia (Myofascial Syndrome)
Or strangely, the Paranormal
- 🙂 for those... Are my everyday life. (Besides reading and writing that is!)

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