Home, Love, Family (Bardh, Meleth, Nothlir)

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Pronunciations for the names in the picture above-
Brother - Maethion (May-thee-on)
Mother- Carvriel (Carva-iell)
Father- Delion (Delia-on)
Grandmother- Estril (Esta-ril)
Then, of course Tauriel.


* Translations in elvish will appear in bold askrisk's- "alatulya" *welcome*
* Thoughts will be be in italic apostrophes 'hello fellow readers!'
* Italics without apostrophes are to put emphasis on certain words.
Example: Run. Run!


"Never forget that whether you think you can, or you think you cant, you're right." - Henry Ford.

Tauriel and her family lived in a village near the small river of Rhimdath. It was said to be close to where the Great Eagles nested. But in all of her young years, she had never seen, nor heard one much to her disappointment.

Her village, like many other Elven villages loved to have parties and dances. Her people held the starlight close to their hearts. When a party occurred, she was allowed to go but her grandmother often took her home early and sung her to sleep with her own lullaby.

Tauriel also often snuck outside to stare at the stars, it made her feel... Free. And it let her brain wander. The older she got, the more she found herself drawn to the stars. She was a free spirit some might say. Yet, if given orders she stuck to them.

Her grandmother, Estril lived in a small cottage not far from her naneth, ada, and muindor's home. *mother, father and dear brother*
Her dear brother was still just an infant. Where as she was entering her hundreds so she was given a little more responsibility. On a certain, fateful winter day young Tauriel found herself walking to her grandmother's (on her mothers side) with a book in hand, a book about Middle Earth and its inhabitants. Yes, she was a reader and very adventurous. She wanted to get out of this village and explore the world.

Soon, Tauriel found herself at her grandmother's house and she knocked. Hearing light footsteps, approaching the door and it soon opened. "Good morning Tauriel." Her grandmother greeted, pulling her into a hug. "Morning Gwanur. I missed you." *grandmother* her grandmother laughed. "I saw you only but two days ago, child." Tauriel smiled. "I know, but I still missed you." She sat down at the dining table, placing her book in front of her - page marked on where she left off.

Estril sat across from her, "So, tell me. What have you been reading?" She asked.
Tauriel jumped right into telling all about the story, enthusiastly."I got to the place in the book about Dwarves, grandma! Did you know that most Dwarven females have beards!?" Tauriel spoke, explaining her latest discovery. "And that they're also very few in number, I read that it's hard to tell the females and males apart..." She continued. Estril laughed. "Is that so?" She nodded vigorously. "May I see this book of yours?" She gladly handed it over.

Now, the youngster knew her grandmother could 'see' things. She just didn't know how she did it, nor how important it was, or how frightening it may be.

When her grandmother touched the book, she got a far-off look in her eyes. That's when Tauriel knew she was 'seeing something' Though, she'd never witnessed it before, Estril had explained to her what tends to happen when she does see into the future. - Just in case her granddaughter might happen upon one of her seeings.

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