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I looked around the park holding Darren' phone, until I find a guy much taller than me, wearing a blue t shirt and skinny jeans with Converse.

"Hi." I managed to say to the chinito in front of me. I looked into his deep dark brown eyes as he stared at mine.

"Hello miss-"

"My name is Kylie. Kylie Garcia." I say with a smile. Dang, those eyes are just so wow.

"That's a nice name." He flashed a smile.

I blushed. "Awh, thanks." I said as I handed him his phone.

"Thank you so much, Ky." He says with a smile. Wait- did he really just give me a nickname?

"It was nothing." I politely said. "Um- do you want to hang out?" He offered.

"Oh- uh- uh- sure!" I said, quite taken aback by his question but made sure to hide it.

He grabbed my hand and I could have sworn I was dreaming and my mom would soon wake me up saying, ''Look Kylie, Levi Ackerman's here!'

Nononono control your hormones woman.

I end up smiling widely like a maniac and he simply laughed. After 40 minutes of getting to know each other, we ended up playing tag in the grassy area of the park, just like kids.

"You're too slow, dork- pick up the pace!" He teased and I threw a twig at him. Surprisingly it hit his chest. He dusted it off and laughed so hard that he almost tripped on a rock

"Eyes open, wimp." I challenged and quickly tapped his shoulder before running away.

I didn't know why we were playing tag, or how we got so close in an hour, but everything seemed like a blur to me.

He's someone I easily got close to- but I don't usually get close to guys- does this have anything to do with him being a celebrity?

"Tag!" I say, tapping him on the shoulder. I ran as fast as I can to avoid him catching me.

I turn around and suprisingly not find him there, but then I look back to where I'm facing and find Darren there smiling.

"Sup?" He says, tugging at my shirt. It usually annoyed me when someone did that, but this time it's an exception, of course not because he's cute but- I'm confusing myself now.

I just laugh and fall onto the ground due to fatigue.

He joins me and we both end up laughing like idiots. After, I check my phone and look at the time.

"Woah, It's late."

"Hmm, I'm guessing we have to go now."

I laugh. "Of course we have to."

We exchange numbers and waved goodbye.

In the taxi, I had this gigantic smile on my face and I knew exactly why.

As we arrive to my house, I received a text.

Darren: bad news 😓

Kylie: What's wrong dork?

Darren: i'll tell u tomorrow

Kylie: so why'd you text me now?

Darren: idk. I feel like we have the same personality- we connect as friends

My heart kinda sank. Friends?

Kylie: lol ok brb

Darren: sure

I paid the taxi driver and entered the house.

"Where have you been?!" My dad said.

"You said you would go out, but you didn't say that you'd be out for 3 hours!" Mom screamed.

"I was returning a lost phone to this singer guy named Darren and he offered to hang out with me."

"Darren Espanto? The one on The Voice Kids?" my moms voice softened, but it still had a glint of angriness.

"Yes." I said.

They calmed down a bit and sat down, and also lectured me for 30 minutes about meeting with a stranger without their consent.

"Well, anyways, we need to tell you something."

"I'm listening."

"We're thinking of moving to Canada. Your dad got a good job there, but we're still not sure." Mom said, arms on her lap.

"Canada? Wow." I thought as my heads were in the clouds.

She just laughed until the door slammed open.

"Y'all have any food?" She said with a bottle of C2 in her hand.

We laughed. She never knocks, she just barges in like a burglar. A very weird burglar, that is.

"No? That's ok. I brought Pringles and Mik mik. You're welcome!" She exclaimed, and my brother went straight up to her and grabbed the small packets of chocolate milk powder.

"Okay, Kylie, I'm joining The Voice Kids tomorrow night!" Katy said.

"WHAT? REALLY? OMG! YOU'LL DO SO WELL!" I screamed. I was excited for my friend.

Her parents were high rollers, yet they were never around. They were either in France or somewhere else managing their business.

"Don't be so sure that I'm going to pass the audition." She added.

"Of course you will Katy!" I screamed. She was a great singer, she could hit a lot of high notes, if my memory back from last school year was correct. She sang a solo of Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman in front of the school.

"Sure about that?" She rose an eyebrow.

"Positive! You know that I'm a fortune teller!" I joked.

"Okay. Tell me my fortune then."

"You will pass the auditions." I said in an old woman voice, grabbing the soccer ball beside me and twirling my fingers around it as if it was a crystal ball.

"Oh my gosh, you're so embarrassing!" She laughed, looking at my neighbor who was confused while she looked at us. She slowly closed her curtains as we laughed our heads off.



I wrote this chapter like, July 2014 and I was a bad writer then so I made things happen so quickly.
So yeah, things escalated quickly. I wish I could change it but as I just said, I can't, it would kinda change the book.

Ugh like it makes me cringe (hello to my fellow phancakes) it's way too fast but let's just say they went somewhere for a vacation, came back, and thought of going to Canada only then. So they left. Don't question keh hahaha


I'll change it a bit so they're not sure if they're going and make them go next chapter okay lol so it's less fast paced



a realistic fairytale // d.e. // rewritingWhere stories live. Discover now