t w e n t y f o u r

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What am I gonna do? Melody won't stop hurting me!

Tell someone, duh!

I can't! Her family is the richest in the country, who knows what they can do!

Darren walked towards me.



"Whats up with Melody? She just has this constant smirk glued on her face since last week." Darren said.

I sighed. He dosn't know. "I don't know." I said, grabbing my new book 'Fangirl' of my bag.

"New book? Whats it about?" He said, poking my arm a couple of times.

"It's about a fangirl, duh."

He chuckled. "Like, the main idea."

"It'sabout a Simon Snow fangirl. Thats all i'm saying. No spoilers."


"Dude, if you wanna read it, go to the bookstore and buy it."

"It's like, so far awayyy."

"Oh hush. Fine. I'll let you borrow it for ten seconds."

"Okay." He said, grabbing the book and reading the summary.

"TIMES UP!" I said, snatching the book from him.


"Shouldn't you be reading something like, Harry Potter?"

"Nah. I like Bob the Builder books." He smirked and I pushed him off the chair.

"I'm the only one allowed to smirk, dork!"


"STOP IT, MELODY! Do you actually realize what you're doing?!" I said, trying to heal my red cheek.

"Getting revenge on the girl who ruined my life?" She smirked.

"No. You're bullying a girl because you want Darren for yourself."

"Because that girl stole him away from me."

"I did not steal a single soul away from you!" I fought back. She laughed.

"Okay, punch me, hit me, but remember that my family is very powerful, hun." She laughed at my pain.


"What happened to you? Why do you have blood on your shirt!?" Darren pratically shouted at me.

"Ummm, basically, it's my period?" Great thinking, genius! PERIOD? SERIOUSLY?

"Uh, okay." He stared there, awkwardly.

"Ummm, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"But, we're supposed to walk together.."


"Uh, okayyy."

I smiled at him and called a taxi. When I got home, I paid the taxi driver and ran inside my home. I got a text.

Whats up with you, weirdo? ~Darren.

How dare you call me weirdo, I'm the only person whose allowed to call you names. Nothing, so are you gonna join a club? ~Ky.

Voices choir, duh. ~Darren.

Sheesh, you can join more than one club. ~Ky.

I don't know. ~Darren.

I'll join the Dance club. ~Ky.

I can teach you how to dance ;) ~Darren.

Haha, no thanks, pretty boy. ~Ky.

I'm not pretty, I'm handsome ;) ~Darren.

Sorry but, Channing Tatum's already handsome. ~Ky.

So you choose Channing Tatum over me? ~Darren.

Well, DUH. JK. Nah im not. Do you see how hot Channing Tatum is? ~Ky.

Um, go talk to Katy about that. ~Darren.

Okay den. Byyyeeeeeee! ~Ky.

Byeeeeeeeeeeee! ~Darren.

I put my phone down and smiled. I saw my brother smiling at me like an idiot. "Kuya Darren's your BOYYFRRRIEEEENNNNNDD"

"He's NOT. What about you and Lynelle, huh? Ayiiieeeeeeee~"



I texted Katy asking where she was and she said she'll come home in an hour because she's at the mall or something, so I can't talk or fangirl about Channing Tatum anymore.

"UGHHHH weird brother lets talk about Channing Tatum."

His eyes widened and he ran away. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" He ran away.

I laughed. Silly brothers and their silly ways. I pulled my shirt up and saw the scars on my arm. I sighed. Should I tell? I think I should. I can't be weak anymore. Who cares about her family.



"Someone's bullying me in school."

She rose up out of her seat. "Who? How long has this been happening?"

"Melody, 2 weeks."

"Come on, we're going to call your school. Good thing you told me. Tell me earlier next time you might get bullied, okay?"


I followed her to the room where the phone was, and she dialed the number.

"Hello?...Yes. My daughter Kylie Garcia has been bullied by one of your other students, Melody Evans. Please speak to her or her parents...yes, thank you."

I stared. "They said they will call her parents." She said. I sighed. "Do you have any scars? Can I see?"

I showed her and she gasped. "I can't believe how this is happening to you! You're too young!"

a realistic fairytale // d.e. // rewritingWhere stories live. Discover now