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I stared at the window, thinking about who to ask. Well, there's Luke, but we all know that I want to ask Darren but, what if he says no?

"Oy, earth to Kylie." Katy said, snapping her fingers in front of my eyes. I was startled.

"I'm back." I said.

She laughed. "I asked you about who you're going to ask for the prom trash?"

"Uhm. I'm not sure."

"I think I know who." Melody said, bringing out a big smile. Bigger than the whole of Asia.

"Ayyieeeeeeeee! Someone's in love!" Katy and I screamed in unison.

She smiled even more and stared out the window. I was planning on asking Darren during lunch break, and if he rejects, I'll ask Luke. But he's probably going with Katy, so I'll just be forever alone- that's fine.


I searched everywhere for Darren, in the cafeteria, in the classrooms, until I saw him in the hallways.

I inhaled and exhaled slowly, then walked up to him. Now's the time, Kylie.

"Oh hey Kylie. What's up?" He smiled and stood closer to me, expectantly waiting for what I was gonna say.

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Wanna go to-"

Just before I could finish my sentence, someone tapped Darren on the shoulder.

"Oh, hey Ky! Wait lang, could I steal Darren for a while?" She said, and I knew what was going to happen. She winked at me when Darren wasn't looking.

"Yeah, sure!" I smiled.

Some part of me was disappointed in myself and in him. If he had just asked me, this wouldn't happen.

I looked over to find Luke, but I found him with Katy, so I'm guessing that they're going together. Most people are in pairs of twos, one boy and girl, until I found someone in a corner.

"Hi. I'm Kylie. What's your name?" I said to the guy , being the desperate girl I was. I didn't want to show up alone.

"I'm Jason." He wasn't ugly, but not that handsome. In fairness, he was tall.

I thought for a while. "Wanna go to prom with me, Jason?"

"Sure, I'll go with you." He smiled, ruffling his brown hair. I smiled profusely.

"Want to hang out after school?" Jason asked.

"Sure, let's at this same exact place."

I thought of something cute before I left. "But before I go- can I ask you a question?"

He looked at me. "Sure."

"Do you like Messi?"

He laughed. "Messi, the football player? Yeah."

I evilly grinned, high fived him and waved goodbye.

All of a sudden, Darren came running up to me. "Hey, what were you gonna ask me earlier? You didn't get the chance to ask me your question." He said, out of breath. I sighed.

"Forget about it." I smiled innocently.

"Aw, I was looking forward to it. Well, can we at least hang out after school then?"

"Sorry, I'm hanging out with Messi later." I said with a quirky tone in my voice. He looked confused, so I left him there in the hallway.

I spotted Melody talking to her friend. I waved, and she ran to me. "Someone's happy!" she smiled, smacking my arm.

"Not as happy as you." I teased, and she chuckled in response. Lucky girl.

"Thank you so much for talking to Darren so that no one else could ask, I knew you talked to him to save time for me so that I could ask him. Thank you for being a great friend!" She screamed and hugged me.

"Yeah! I always gotchu girl!" I smiled and acted as if that's exactly what I did.

She hugged me again. "You're a blessing, Kylie Garcia!"


I ran out to the hallways, and into the dark corner, and waited for him.


I turned around and saw Jason. "Oy, Messi! Where do you want to hang out?"

He raised an eyebrow. "That's a cute nickname. Messi. We could hang out in the mall?"

"Sounds good." I chewed on lip.

"Then let's go there." He replied, and we were on our way to the mall.

But there was only one thing I was thinking of. Who do I really like, him or Darren? Who's the better guy for me?

Oh goodness, Jesus take the wheel!

a realistic fairytale // d.e. // rewritingWhere stories live. Discover now