Chapters 16-18

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After sitting in your small prison for what felt like hours, you practically jump out of your skin when a tray of food is shoved through the slit at the bottom of the steel door.

(??) You will now be released from your restraints, but don't try anything crazy

A voice you could only asume was Brenner's comes over the loud speaker just as your bindings retreat into your chair. You rub your sore wrists and slowly wall over to the food.

(You) How do I know this Isn't poisoned?

You yell at absolutely nothing in hopes of an answer.

(??) I would never hurt you Ten

The voice answers in a non-consoling tone

(??) and by the way, stay clear of the door

Just as you start to register what that comment is supposed to mean you hear a scream of frustration come from outside the door

(You) Whats that noise?

No answer comes.

(You) what is out there??

Suddenly the steel door slides open and a small body of a girl is thrown into the room with you.
The door slides shut as the girl whimpers when she hits the ground. You quickly rush over to see who the poor girl is.... and it's El!!

(You) El oh my god are you ok?

You help El to the chair you were previously sitting and look her over for any signs of injury.

(El) I think I'm ok. But he took me when we were riding back to our houses. It was the same thing, Troy grabbed me and put a gun to my head. Mike was freaking out so bad, it took Troy hours to convince them to leave.
Will and Lucas had to drag him away. Y/n, Im so sorry we left you with Troy
(You) it's ok, we're both still alive and that's what matters
(El) not for long, I've been having dreams of Brenner. Horrible ones.
(You) What happened in them
(El) you don't want to know the details, but if that's what he plans to do with us, we won't last long here. let's just say, 001 and 003 are gone, all thanks to Brenner.
(You) oh no, what did he do to them
(El) he's torturing them, he does all these horrible things to see how they and their powers react, so far, only 002 has survived that I know of
(You) is that what he's going to do with us?
(El) I don't know, but we're 010 and 011, what if he's already gone through all the other test subject and we're next?

Sudden a loud voice came back over the loudspeaker, making both you and El jump.

(??) eat your food,you'll need as much energy as you can get

You start to freak out and pace the room because you have a feeling El's visions are right.

(You) we're going to die! I just got back to this town and I'm already going to die! My parents won't even know what happened to me! What are...
(El) Calm Down y/n!!!!

She grabs your shoulders mid-pace and and shakes you.

(El) we're not going to die, we'll figure out how to escape! We won't eat our food in case it's poised and we'll figure this out together.

You look at El and you start to relax. But that small feeling is immediately taken away when the voice comes back.

(??) The door will open in 10 seconds, and you will be escorted by guards to your testing chamber.

With that, the steel door slid open, the metal groaning in the effort. You and El creep towards the open door and find two guards outside of it.

(Guard 1) let's get going

The guard to the right spoke with an evil smile on his face and beckoned them to come. You and El step out of the room and begin to walk down the grim hallway.
Suddenly, as you, El, and your guards round a corner, you run right into Brenner.

(Brenner) are you girls ready? Follow me.

You and El follow Brenner down the hallway for what seems like forever. Suddenly you come to a huge set of doors and Brenner turns around to face you.

(Brenner) you will now go into this room where you will watch your siblings go through the tests you will face after.
(You) they are NOT our siblings, and you are NOT our Papa

Brenner turns back and looks at you

(Brenner) this is for the greater good Ten, it is your job to help the greater good

Brenner looks at you and signals the guards, who throw you and El into another empty room, however this one has a window. The door slam shuts leaving you and El alone once again and you get up and start banging on the walls


Suddenly El grabs your shoulders

(El) y/n, look at the screen!

You turn around and sure enough, the big screen in the center of the wall turns on, revealing a boy about 15 in a chair all alone.

(You) oh no, no no no no no! He's going to die
in there! We have to save him.
(El) we can't, all we can do is watch and see how we can prepare.
(You) That's What Brenner wants us to do! We can't just sit and watch!
(El) We have to. It's our only chance of survival. Plus, I think I know how we can escape.

You look at El, her eyes so full of hope, as she explains her plan.

(El) Brenner never said our powers don't work in here, like he did in the last room. When they go to take us into the next room, we attack. I saw the way Troy took me in here. They thought I was unconscious but I wasn't. If we use our powers to get past the guards we can get out.
(You) that sounds great but what if...

You're cut off by a sound in the room with the boy, and as you turn to look, your heart sinks to the floor.

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