Chapters 37-39

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Will walks over to you and you stand perfectly still as he looks into your ear. Then all of a sudden, you hear Will yell.

(Will) oh my god, there's definitely something I there.

Everybody runs over to have a  look.

(You) hey guys, instead of looking at it like some scientific discovery, can you just get it out of my damn ear?
(Will) yah sorry, just tell me to stop of it hurts

The he reaches in and pulls a small hexagonal prism out of your ear. On half on the sides there are small speakers, and on the other half there is smooth metal covered in tiny wires. Before anybody says anything, you grab it out of Will's hand, throw it in the ground, and smash it into the ground with your sneaker.

(You) now that that's solved, I need to get home.
(Will) I'll walk with you. I'll see you guys tomorrow
(The party) see yah
(Hopper) stay safe kid.

You and Will set out through the woods back towards your houses. You walk the first few minutes in silence. Finally, Will breaks the awkwardness.

(Will) like I said back there, I'm sorry I got mad at you over what Mike said.
(You) it's okay, I understand
(Will) it's just, I know how Niles can be and I felt like you betrayed me after I told you about him.
(You) really Will, it's okay
(Will) and I didn't want to believe Mike but you didn't walk to school with me and...

Before Will could continue his apology, you cut him off by turning him around to face you and connecting your lips with his. When you pull away, Will just stares at you with a smile on his face.

(Will) wow
(You) yah

You give him one last smile before you interlock your hand with his and walk the rest of the way home with your head in his shoulder and a smile on your face.


You wake up the next morning with a huge smile on your face form thinking about what happened last night. You kissed Will. You quickly get ready for school and practically skip to the spot you had promised Will you would meet him to walk to school. You get there five minutes early just to make sure Will didn't think you ditched him again. However, you wait for ten minutes and Will isn't there. Then fifteen. Then twenty. You glance at your watch and it reads 7:15. Class starts in fifteen minutes. You give one last look down Will's street, but start towards school. This must have been what Will felt like when you had that doctors appointment. You don't think much of it and continue to walk to school all by yourself. When you finally get there, you're stunned to see the rest of the party there, without Will.

(You) hey guys
(The party) hey y/n
(You) I was wondering if any of you have seen Will today.
(Lucas) no, but I talked to him last night over walkie-talkie about some interesting shit

He looks at you and wiggles his eyebrows.

(You) oh shut up

You punch Lucas in the arm and you both laugh, earning confused looks from the rest of the party.

(Max) ooooooh. Y/n, got anything to tell us?
(You) ummm. No
(El) yah okay.
(You) no but seriously, nobody has seen Will?

Everyone shakes their heads

(You) I know this sounds hypocritical but it's unlike him to just bail.
(Dustin) maybe he just got sick, he'll show up eventually.
(Lucas) yah, he wouldn't ditch you on purpose

Then he proceeds to make kissing faces at you and you punch him once again.

(Max) what the...

But before she could finish her question the first bell rings and kids start filing into class. You quickly pull El and Max aside.

(You) meet me in the bathroom beginning of second hour.

They both nod and you turn around and rush to class.


The bell finally rings signally the end of first hour and you and El rush out of class.

(You) I have *your teacher* next but remember to meet me in the bathroom
(El) got it

You split up in the hallway and head to second hour. When you get to class, you ask for a pass and quickly rush to the bathrooms. When you walk in, El and Max are already waiting for you.

(Max) yay! You're finally here! Tell us what happened!!
(El) we've been dying to know!!
(You) okay, okay so here's what happened...

You tell Max and El everything that happened last night, even the cute/awkward goodbye you and Will had. By the end of the story, all three of you and practically jumping with excitement.

(Max) oh my god you guys are soooooo cuttteeee!
(El) and I can't believe you're going to Homecoming together too!
(You) I know! I'm so excited!

Suddenly, El goes from happy to pained, and when you notice her gaze, your mood changes as well

(You) El? El are you okay?

She doesn't respond and continues to stare blankly with a terrified look on her face.

(Max) oh no, I think she's having a vision.
(You) what do we do? How do we help her?

Max gives you a panicked look as she glances back at El

(Max) we can't, there's nothing that we can do to stop it, all we can do is catch her when she wakes back up.

As if on cue, El gasps as color returns to her face and she begins to fall to the floor. Luckily You and Max catch her before she hits her head.

(You) El? What did you see? Are you okay?

El turns toward you, tears start running down her cheeks.

(El) it's Will, and he's with Brenner...

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been really busy🙁

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