Chapters 49-50

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You help Savannah to her feet and walk back to the group. When you get back, Lucas immediately starts to apologize.

(Lucas) I'm sorry Savannah.
(Savannah) it's okay, I shouldn't invade people's privacy by reading their minds.
(Dustin) so what are all of your powers (Savannah) I can read minds and I can send telepathic messages.
(Dustin) that's really cool!
(Savannah) thanks, and thank you for such kind thoughts

She smiles and winks at Dustin before turning around and continuing towards the road. Dustin's face turns bright red.

(Lucas) Dude, what was she talking about
(Dustin) umm nothing.

He shrugs it off and you all catch up to Savannah as you walk home.

(Max) so Savannah, where are you from?
(Savannah) I live here in Hawkins, but my mom keeps me homeschooled to avoid me exposing my powers again.
(Dustin) you should come to our school!

Dustin blurts and turns a dark shade of crimson once he realizes what he said.

(Savannah) What? Why?
(Dustin) you should come to school with us. El and y/n can help you make sure you don't use your powers.
(Savannah) I'll take it up with my mom.

You walk the rest of the way home and everyone goes their separate ways. Finally, it's just you and Will left.

(You) hey Will, are you okay? You've been quiet ever since we left the lab.
(Will) can I ask you something?
(You) yah, of course.
(Will) y/n, why do you get hurt every time I do?
(You) I, I don't know. But don't worry about me. I should feel bad not you. I moved here and now I'm messing up the peace you and your friends finally reached. Because of me, I put you in danger with a crazy psycho and it could have killed you or...

Will gives you a small smile while watching you rant right before cutting you off with a kiss. Once you realize what's happening you smile against Will's lips and push him away.

(You) You can't do that every time you want me to shut up

You pretend to pout but instantly break out into a smile when you see Will's sly smirk.

(Will) if you didn't ramble so much I wouldn't have to.

You both laugh and continue walking.

(You) Will, Im serious
(Will) I know, but so am I. It's not your fault. (You) Im sorry
(Will) Don't be

He leans over once again and placed his lips on yours. However this time, you didn't push him away. You kiss for a little bit longer until you're interrupted by a light flickering on and off on somebody's porch.

(Neighbor) GET A ROOM!

You quickly pull away and fall into a fit of laughter with Will

(Will) I forgot we're in the middle of the road

You both laugh a little more before Will takes your hand in his.

(Will) you wanna walk home now?
(You) sure

You start back down the street hand-in-hand, a smile on both of your faces...

~~~~~THE END~~~~~

A/N: Ik this was kind of a short chapter but hopefully the Will part made up for it🤷‍♀️Also the story really isn't OVER cuz I will be doing a sequel soon. Hopefully you liked it💕

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