Homecoming ~ The Sequel

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A/N: Writing this book and I really appreciate all the love and support you guys in insta have given me💕 Also I'll be starting a new story soon so comment who you want it to be about (Finn, Noah, Caleb, Wyatt, etc.)

(Max) I lOVEEEEE your dresss! It looks so good on you.
(You) Thanks! You look so good to! I can't wait until Lucas see you tonight.

Max smiles widely but immediately turns the focus back onto you

(Max) and I can't wait until WILL sees you!

You turn bright red and a small smile forms on your lips.

(Max) y/n and Will, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N...
(You) Max!

You hit her arm and you both burst out into a fit of laughter.

(Max) Okay, we're ready. Let's go to El's.
(You) I'll ask my mom to give us a ride.

You both clean up your stuff and head down the stairs.

(You) hey Mom, can you give us a ride to El's? Hopper is going to give all of us a ride to the dance.
(Your mom) sure honey. Let's go.

You and Max pile into the car and soon enough, you arrive at El's cabin.

(Your mom) okay, have fun girls.
(You) we will, and Hopper is going to pick us up from the dance and we're going to sleepover at El's
(Your mom) sounds good, stay safe!
(You) bye mom
(Max) bye Mrs. y/l/n
(Your mom) bye girls

You and Max grab your bags and head up to the door. Before you even can knock the door burst open.

(El) guys! I'm so glad your here! I'm having a major eyeshadow malfunction. Last year I went with purple and I don't know what to do this year!
(Max) don't worry, we got you covered.

El grabs your arms and pulls you through the doorway and into her room.
(Max) you look so good!
(El) do you think Mike will like it?
(You) he'll love it!

El smiles at herself in the mirror. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.

(Hopper) are you girls ready yet, the dance starts in a half an hour.
(El) yah, lets go!

You, El, and Max pile into Hoppers truck and after the long car ride from El's cabin, you finally arrive at school. 

(Hopper) okay girls have fun! I'll be back at 10:00 to pick you up
(You) Thank you
(El) see yah Hops

You wave goodbye as you climb out of the truck and head into the gym. When you walk in, your jaw drops.

(El) Wow, they really decorated nice.

The entrance was a tall arch of plants and fairy lights. It led into a place you know longer recognized as your boring high school gym. The bleachers were draped in blue fabric covered in big stars. Navy and cream colored streamers hung in all directions from the ceiling with a large disco ball in the center next to a crescent moon.

(Max) I heard the theme is Starry night.
(You) it's beautiful

El and Max nod in agreement before your startled by a voice from behind you.

(Will) not as beautiful as you.

You turn around to see Will, looking handsome in black suit and tie. When you lock eyes you immediately begin to blush.

(You) thanks
(Will) Shall we go in?

You nod and he walks up to you. You grab his hand in yours and follow El and Max into the dance.  After a few quick moments, you scan the room to find Mike and Lucas sitting at a table on the outer edge. Upon spotting Mike El let's out a small squeal and hurry's over.

(Mike) Hey guys, thought you would never show up.

When he see El his smiles widely and pulls her into a hug. However, you notice something is off.

(You)hey, where's Dustin.

Lucas points across the room. When you follow his gaze your surprised to see him dancing along side Savannah.

(Max) I didn't know she was coming.
(Mike) yah. Turns out she's actually transferring here for the second semester. As you can tell, Dustin is happy.

You all let out a small giggle as Dustin continues to smile widely at a dancing Savannah. Suddenly, you here yourself gasp as the song changes.

(You) oh my gosh! It's Time After Time! I love this song so much.
(Will) well, on that case, would you like to dance?

He holds out his hand and takes a small bow like a prince. You giggle a little to yourself at the gesture.

(You) of course

He leads you onto the floor and starts swaying to the music.

~ "If you fall, I will catch you. I'll be waiting, Time after Time" ~

He place his hands gently on your hips and you place your own on his shoulders.  As you dance, you and Will talk. After some time of dancing to song after song, you're surprised to hear the DJ,

(DJ) okay lovebirds, that was the last song for the night.
(You) shit, that was fast.
(Will) well, Time flies when you're having fun with your girlfriend.
(You) girlfriend?
(Will) or umm, I mean..
(You) no it's okay, I like it.

Wills face lights up in a smile and pulls you in for a quick kiss. When you pull apart, you match his grin.

(DJ) again, the dance is now over. please make your way to the parking lot.

Will takes your hand and you start towards the doors. Even after everything you had went through, you stuck together. It was the end of a perfect night, but the beginning of a blissful future💕

 It was the end of a perfect night, but the beginning of a blissful future💕

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