dear jimin,

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"Hi, it's nice to meet you," Jimin greeted, showing off his eye smile at the younger, but taller male in front of him.

Whoa. He's so beautiful. Jungkook thought as he stared at the older. After a few seconds of staring, Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts.

"Hi, nice to meet you, too," Jungkook kindly greeted Jimin, flashing him with his adorable bunny smile. "C-can I call you hyung? BangPD-nim told me that you're older than me by two years."

"Hm, maybe when we become close friends then I'll consider it," Jimin teased, smirking when he sees the blush Jungkook tried to hide.

"O-oh, alright, hyu- I mean Jimin."

And that's where it all began.

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