- jungkook ♡

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"We need to break up," Jimin stated without any hesitation.

"Excuse me?" the girl scoffed. "There isn't anyone on this entire planet who is crazy enough to dump me!"

"I guess there is now," Jimin replied back with a sassy tone. The onlookers in the boba shop quickly turned around and ignored the bickering couple.

"Are you seeing someone else?" Jimin's now ex-girlfriend glared at him. "Were you cheating on me, huh?"

"Yes, he was." A new voice chimed in. "So, just accept the fact that you got dumped."

Jimin wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist and smirked at the woman in front of them, who was gaping at the two males.

"Sorry, Rosé. It's just that he never complains or whines, unlike you," Jimin sneered.

Rosé's shocked expression turned into a mischievous grin. "So, you cheated on me with some weak, gay slut?"

Jungkook's face started to turn a dark shade of red. Did she just call me a slut?

Noticing how tense and angry the younger was, Jimin dropped his arm to hold Jungkook's hands for comfort. The shorter male looked up to give the taller a reassuring smile.

"For your information, he's not a slut, unlike you. At least he doesn't complain and whine over every little single thing! Just face it, you dumb bitch, our relationship is over." Jimin then turned around and started to walk away.

Before Jungkook could fully turn around to catch up with the other male, a cold hand stopped him.

"Let go!" he yelled, as Rosé dug her nails into his wrist.

"You listen here, you faggot," she whispered in his ear. "I know you like him, and you'll never have him. Jimin's mine. I hope you die for ruining what me and Jimin had."

"It's supposed to be 'what Jimin and I had.' If you're gonna threaten someone, then learn some proper English." Jungkook forcefully pushed her, and ran towards the exit doors.

"What took you so long? She didn't hurt you, right?" Jimin asked with a worried look on his face.

"N-no, she didn't, hyung. I just had to make sure she'd never bother us again."


It was silent as they were driving home. When they reached a stoplight, Jimin turned his head to say, "Thank you, Kookie; I really appreciated it! I've never felt so free in my entire life."

"Of course, hyung! I would do anything for you..."

Jimin chuckled at how shy Jungkook got all of a sudden. "Do you like anyone?"

Jungkook looked at him, startled. "Yeah, I do, but he doesn't like me back."

"Aw. So who's the guy? Is it me?" Jimin joked.

Jungkook began to grow anxious at the question. He couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was asking a legitimate question.

"No," Jungkook spat. Both of the males were surprised at how harsh he sounded. "Why would I like you? You couldn't even keep your relationship with Rosé, so what would you have to offer me?"

Jungkook immediately regretted those words once they left his mouth. Slowly, he looked up, only to feel his heart breaking. Jimin stared at him with a hurt and shocked expression before focusing back on the road. When they reached their dorm, Jimin ignored Jungkook and slammed the door in his face.

"Wait! Hyung! I didn't mean it," Jungkook cried as he pounded his fists on the door. "Please, let me explain myself!"

After Jungkook's tears began to stop, he pressed his ear against the door, only to hear Jimin's soft sobs. He wanted to comfort and apologize to him so badly, to explain that he only said what he said to hide his feelings towards Jimin, but now he can't. Jungkook royally fucked up.

"You know, Jungkook, I can't believe you said that to me." Jimin's voice cracked at the end of his sentence. "Do you know the real reason why I broke up with Rosé?"

Jungkook stayed silent and waited for his answer. He couldn't trust himself with his words anymore, especially since what he told Jimin in the car were huge lies. Finally, Jimin spoke up.

"It's because I started to like you, Jungkook."

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