- jimin ❥

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"Jungkook!" Jimin leaned over the railing. He scrambled to lift himself over the barrier and didn't hesitate to dive down the river.

Once his body was completely submerged, he tried to swim as close to the bottom as he could before he ran out of air. His head popped out from the water, lungs burning from the lack of oxygen. Jimin dove back down to find Jungkook's body. This time, he reached the floor of the river and frantically searched around for his ex-boyfriend. His heart quickened when he finally grabbed a familiar, but limp hand.

Jimin was close to passing out as he struggled to succumb to the surface. Black dots started to form in his vision. Since the moonlight reflected throughout the Han River, he could see that he was almost to the top.

One, two, three...

Jimin was running out of oxygen again.

Four, five, six...

He felt himself loosing conscious.

Seven, eight, nine...

But he had to save Jungkook.


A booming gasp echoed out of Jimin's throat. Even though he was extremely exhausted, he still paddled as fast as he could to the nearest body of land while holding Jungkook on his side. It felt like a billion hours passed by before he felt a tough surface beneath his feet. He carefully placed Jungkook down and began to give him mouth-to-mouth CPR.

"Come on, baby." Jimin started to perform hand compressions on his chest. "Don't die on me!"

Both of them were drenched with huge puddles of water surrounding them, but Jimin didn't pay attention to it. Jungkook didn't either. Hell, how could he? He was unconscious!

"Oh my god!" An unfamiliar voice called out from the distance. "Are you Jimin from BTS?" Her eyes widened when she looked down at Jungkook. "What happened?"

Jimin panicked. He looked at the girl's phone and realized that he needed to call the other members.

"I c-can't tell... can I use your p-phone?"

The girl gave him a weird look before unlocking her phone. Jimin shakily dialed Yoongi's number while he continued to perform CPR on Jungkook.

"H-hyung. I f-f-found Jungkook at the Han River. P-p-please call an ambulance."

He deleted the number from the contact list and returned the girl's phone to her. "D-don't tell anyone about t-this."

She nodded before scurrying away. Jungkook's skin felt like ice. Jimin took off his jacket and wrapped it around Jungkook. He didn't care if he was freezing more than ever.

"Jungkook, p-please wake up..."

Jimin immediately stopped doing compressions on the younger's chest when he heard Jungkook coughing up water.  It felt like a miracle happened as he saw Jungkook slowly open his eyes.

"H-hyung..." Jungkook whispered before closing his eyes again.

Jimin tightly held his hand. "No, Jungkook. Look at me. Pay attention to me!" Jimin demanded.

It took a long moment, but Jungkook obeyed. He opened his eyes once more. He was about to close them again if Jimin didn't keep shaking him.

Jimin spoke very quick. "Listen to me, okay? I trust you. Baby, I love you. I always did! I'm sorry for putting the b-blame on you. Don't l-leave me again, okay? I love you so much, K-Kookie."

Jungkook weakly smiled. "I love you, too."

How can he smile at a time like this? Jimin wondered.

"But Jimin-ssi, I'm gonna be with my brother now, okay?"

The older male internally winced at how formally Jungkook was addressing him.

Jimin couldn't tell if it the water drops that were continuously falling on Jungkook's face were from his soaking wet hair or his tears. "Kookie, I r-regret breaking up with you. Don't leave me, please! Take m-me back. I'll be better, I swear."

Jungkook shook his head as he removed his hand from Jimin's grasp. "You b-broke your p-promises."

Just like Jimin's promises, his heart also broke into millions of pieces. He bowed his head in shame. "I'm sorry, Kookie."

Suddenly, both of them heard a siren wailing in the distance. A flashlight shone toward the broken couple's direction.

"Shit," Jimin cursed under his breath when he saw the younger male close his eyes, but lazily opened them back up when Jimin lifted his head up. "Kookie, in order for you to survive, I need you to do one thing."

The far distance between the couple and the paramedics was dangerously decreasing. Jungkook looked back up into Jimin's worried, beautiful, black eyes. "What is it, Jimin-ssi?" his voice barely a whisper.

Jimin firmly hugged the younger while intertwining his hand with his. "I need you to..." he took a deep breath before continuing his sentence.

"Focus on me and only me."


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