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It's been almost a month since Jimin started to ignore Jungkook. During that time, Jungkook's depression worsened. The other members have been trying to coax Jimin into resolving their problems with the younger, but he was acting stubborn. Luckily, Jungkook was still determined to talk to Jimin and restore their friendship... and maybe progress into something more?

Jungkook is smart. Maybe a little too smart. No one would've ever thought that Jungkook cuts himself. No one saw the scars that were littered on his thighs. No one noticed how Jungkook never wore shorts to hide his scars. No one asked how he was doing. No one knew about the pills he had to take.

Jungkook was left alone with Jimin. Taehyung thought it was best to leave the two alone; he hoped that they would use this time to mend their broken hearts. Suddenly, he remembered that he had to take his anti-depressants. Reluctantly, the younger dragged himself to the kitchen and saw Jimin by the refrigerator.

"Jimin-ssi?" He internally cringed at how formal he sounded. Jungkook remembered when Jimin specifically told him that if he talks to him, he has to address him as 'Jimin-ssi.' Like usual, the older male ignored him. "Can you hand me a water bottle?"

Jimin stared at him for a few seconds before chucking a cold water bottle at Jungkook. Unfortunately, it hit the exact place where a majority of his scars were. Jungkook hissed at the pain and collapsed. When he looked up and made eye contact with Jimin, he almost saw worry and regret in his eyes, but it quickly faded. There was awkward silence for a few seconds before Jimin just walked away and closed to door to his room.

Jungkook sighed and took the water bottle to the bathroom that contained his pills. He opened his pill bottle and accidentally poured a little bit too much onto his hand. A dark thought suddenly crossed his mind.

"Maybe I should overdose."

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