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"Jimin-hyung? Do you really like her?" Jungkook questioned the older male. Jimin just got back from his date, and he looked pissed. After Jungkook's little incident, things went back to the way they were, much to the younger's disappointment. Jimin kept going out with his girlfriend, while Jungkook stayed at home, silently crying to himself.

"God, I don't know. She's cute and all, but," he paused. "She's annoying! All she talks about is herself and complains about every little single thing! She's just... okay, don't tell anyone, but I just don't think our relationship would last long. Everything was off from the start."

"O-oh, well..." Jungkook trailed off as he tried to hold back his smug little grin. "Maybe some things aren't just meant to be, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

It was silent for a few moments before Jungkook decided to ask, "Are you gonna break up with her?"

Startled from the sudden outburst, the older male stared at Jungkook. The younger felt nervous all of a sudden. Oops, was I supposed to not ask that?

"No." Jungkook's heart felt heavy. "Or maybe- no. Yes? No? What do you think I should do?"

"If your feelings towards your girlfriend aren't genuine, then just break up with her. It'll save you from a lot of pain in the end, anyway," Jungkook suggested. He really hoped Jimin would break up with his girlfriend so all of his attention would be on him.

"That sounds about right, thanks Kook." Jimin got up and ruffled his hair. "But you gotta help me with one more thing."

"What do you need, hyung?" Jungkook mischievously smirked. He could already predict what his hyung was about to ask him.

"Will you help me break up with her?"

Jungkook was more than ecstatic to help.

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