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this is back to present-time

"Hoseok," Jimin panted as he ran to the garage. "I need your keys."

"Do you know where Jungkook is?"

"No. Yes! No... but I have a strong feeling of where he is." Jimin ran his hand through his sweaty hair. "But please just give me your keys! And tell the others to look for him, too!"

"We were already ahead of you, Jimin." Hoseok quickly tossed Jimin the keys. "You better find him before it's too late."

Jimin rapidly nodded his head before speeding away to find his lover. But what if it's already too late?

"Jimin doesn't love me," Jungkook repeated over and over again as he wandered around. "Jimin, Jimin, Jimin..."

He glanced up at the night sky. Just like Jungkook's eyes, the stars were dull as they no longer shone its bright light. Even when a star's light is gone, it still looks beautiful. Jungkook is a star and Jimin was his light. Was. Now, the bright star no longer shows off his light. No longer was as outstanding as the other stars. No longer has light. Jungkook was broken. Broken, but still beautiful.

What's the point of living if you don't have any passion? he thought. Jimin was his passion. Unfortunately, he no longer had his passion. I'd rather die than live without any passion.

"Junghyun, I'll see you again. This time, I'm staying with you."

He walked along the rails of the bridge. Below him was the Han River. This was where Jungkook's happiest memory took place. This was also where Jungkook's last memory will take place. He thought how it was funny how the person who he thought loved him the most was the same person who hurt him the most.

Jungkook climbed over the rails and stared at the calm water below. Too bad it will be disrupted soon.

"I love you, Jimin-hyung," Jungkook whispered as he jumped off the edge and landed in the cold, icy river.

If only Jimin reached his hand a little farther, he would've caught Jungkook's wrist.

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