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"He can't be dead!" Jimin screamed. "Why couldn't you save him? He's not dead! He's not dead!" Jimin sobbed as he pounded his fists against the wall.

"J-j-jim-m-min," Taehyung's speech became a mess due to the current situation. "Y-y-you h-h-ave to a-a-ccept Jungkook's d-d-death," he paused, trying to catch his breath.

"No! I didn't even get to apologize to him!" Jimin cried out. His whole world felt like it just collapsed and nothing could fix the destruction.

The nurse stared in bewilderment at how Jimin was acting. "You can go in to see him, if you want," she softly informed.

As soon as Jimin could comprehend what the nurse told him, he dashed inside Jungkook's room and locked the door.

"Wait, Jimin! What about us?" Jin asked.

"Just leave him," Namjoon replied as he kept his head down. "We'll see Jungkook, too. Be patient."

Meanwhile, Jimin stood alone in the hospital room. The only sounds were his uneven breathing and sniffling. He took small steps towards the younger, whose eyes were closed with his pink lips parted slightly.

"Oh, Jungkook." Jimin reached out, softly caressing the younger's hair. "Why would you do this to yourself?"

Jungkook opened his eyes and looked around to see where he was. He cautiously wandered around, until he saw a blank canvas on an easel. With shaking hands, he reached out to touch it, until a vaguely familiar voice called out his name. Surprised, Jungkook looked around to see who called him.

"Jungkook..." the voice sounded like came from behind him. The poor boy was confused and feared what was going to happen to him. He didn't even know where he was.

"Do you want to paint with me?" an older male's voice asked.

A hand rested on his shoulder. On instinct, he slapped the person's hand and quickly backed away.

"Ouch, Jungkook. It's rude to treat your hyung that way."

Jungkook's breath hitched when he finally recognized the owner of the voice. Now, he could remember who the older male was. It was Junghyun, his late older brother.

"The nurse was just tricking us, right? You're not dead." Jimin held Jungkook's hand. "Just wake up, please. I want to see your cute bunny smile," he pleaded.

He ignored the knocks and voices from the boys that came from the other side of the door. "I didn't even get to tell you that I love you," the older male paused. "So please wake up, Kookie."

"Junghyun," he breathed out. "Where am I?"

His brother chuckled before answering, "You're in the afterlife."

"I'm dead?! No, no, no. That can't be right..."

"You're not completely dead, Kook. You didn't decide where you want to go."

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked. If he's not dead, but he's not alive either, then what is he?

Junghyun pointed to his left. There lay an enormous, endless ocean. One half was dark and gloomy, and the middle part was faded into the other clear and sparkling half.

"Over there, you will choose if you want to go back, or stay here." Junghyun put his paintbrush down. "I'll walk you over to it."

When they got there Jungkook was astonished at what he saw. As he peered in the clear and sparkling side, he saw Jimin and the other members, which obviously meant life. But when he looked at the dark and gloomy side, he saw his anti-depresssants, which represented his death.

"Do you want to stay here with me? Or do you want to go back and stay with your friends?"

Jungkook ignored his question and asked, "Hyung, why do you stay here? I thought you were dead."

"I stayed here because I didn't want to go there alone." Junghyun pointed to the dark and gloomy side. "I wanted to go there with you, so I would be with someone I love when I experience actual death."

He paused before looking at Jungkook. "You have to make up your mind soon. I can wait forever, but I don't think your friends can."

Jungkook glanced at the bright side of the ocean, but for some reason, his eyes focused on the dark side instead.

"I know what I'm going to choose."

"Come on, Jimin. Open the door please," Yoongi pleaded. The other members were getting impatient with Jimin and desperately wanted to see Jungkook one last time.

Jimin let go of Jungkook's hand and trudged towards the door. While Jimin stood by the door, all of them rushed towards Jungkook's lifeless body. After telling him that they will miss and love him forever, Taehyung sat down in a chair, while the rest of them leaned their backs against the wall.

Jimin approached Jungkook again with tears that were threatening to fall. He hugged Jungkook and rested his head on the younger's chest before sobbing for the fifth time.

"Kookie, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. I love you so much, Jungkook."

A raspy, hushed voice echoed throughout the room.

"I love you too, Jimin."

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