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It's been two months and nothing has changed. Jimin and Jungkook aren't close, but they are friends. The older hasn't been giving Jungkook too much attention and it's driving the younger insane. The only time they had a conversation that lasted for more than ten seconds was when Jimin asked Jungkook if he could help him find his phone. Both of them searched everywhere, but couldn't find it. Jungkook suggested that he could call it, but then realized that he doesn't have Jimin's phone number. After Jimin gave him his number, Jungkook called it, and Jimin's phone was in one of his jacket's pockets.

"Oh my god, I'm so dumb! Thank you for helping me, Jungkookie!" Jimin exclaimed.

"N-no problem, hyung."

"Hey, can you give me your number since you already have mine? I need someone to play Cup Pong with me," Jimin laughed.

"Of course!" Jungkook replied before typing his phone number in Jimin's phone.

Jungkook smiled at the memory, but then felt a slight buzz in his hand. He unlocked his phone to see "My Favorite Hyung❤️" texted him, begging him to play Cup Pong with his because he was bored. Jungkook lost to Jimin twice, but didn't think much of it. He only focused on the fact that Jimin had chosen to talk to him, not the other members. With his fingers hovering over his phone, he sent Jimin a quick text.

"Come back home soon, hyung. I want to hang out with you today 😉"

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