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Jimin hazily woke up before Jungkook. He looked down to see the younger's arms hugging his waist.

Did he tuck me in? Jimin thought. He carefully got out of the blanket and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Jungkook woke up when he heard the shower turn on. He started to panic when he realized that Jimin was the person using the shower. As he tried to contemplate what to say to Jimin, he heard the door swing open.

"Good morning, Kookie," Jimin greeted him with a towel wrapped around his waist, putting his abs into full view for Jungkook. All Jungkook could do was stare at his hyung's beautiful body as his heart fluttered when he heard Jimin say his nickname.

"Hello? I said good morning to you... are you deaf?" Jimin joked as he began to get dressed.

"Uh... sorry hyung, I'm still half-asleep half- awake," he lied. "Good morning!"

"Last night was fun, we should do that again sometime!"

Jungkook's eyes lit up. "Yes! We should! Can we hang out at an arcade tonight?" He began to feel joy as he thought of Jimin giving him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you for winning a big plush toy for him.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kookie, but do you remember that girl I was talking about a few weeks ago? I asked her out, and we're going on our first date tonight."

As soon as those words left Jimin's lips, Jungkook's heart dropped to the floor.

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