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this chapter takes place right after Jimin left Jungkook

Jungkook's lips formed a pout. Was I really the one who was wrong? Was I really the one who was supposed to apologize?

He walked towards the door that Jimin exited from. His shaking hand rested on the cold doorknob, but then he stepped back. Jungkook contemplated whether or not if he should go after Jimin, but he figured that he was already too late.

He plopped down in his bed. Will Jimin come back and apologize? Will he take back his harsh words? Does he still love me?

He really hoped that yes, Jimin will come back and apologize. He really hoped that yes, Jimin will take back his harsh words. He really hoped that yes, Jimin still loves him.

That's all Jungkook could ever do: hope. Hope that his brother was actually sleeping instead of being dead. Hope that his parents in Busan would keep in contact with him while he was in Seoul. Hope that he would die when Jimin ignored him for many weeks. Hope that Jimin would walk in his room right now and shower him with apologies and kisses and cuddles. Hope that the universe would be merciful and bless Jungkook with a happy life to make up for his depressing past.

Jungkook sighed as he knew that hope never got him anywhere, that hope never helped him with anything. That's why he decided to take control of the situation right now. No more hope. No more being dependent on anyone or anything anymore. Just him and his decisions. He stared at the framed picture on the bedside table. It was Jimin looking at Jungkook with so much love and adoration. That sight alone made his heart swell, remembering what happened that day the picture was took made his heart feel heavier than before.

"Oh, Jimin-ah." Jungkook gently wiped away the tear that landed on the photograph. "I'll miss you so much."

He looked for a piece paper and a pencil. He wrote Jimin a very short (and last) note to tell him where he planned to be that day. He placed it on the drawer and left the building. He noticed that he lost track of time as he saw the sun was already setting below the horizon. Jungkook pulled over a taxi and climbed inside.

"Where to?" the driver asked.

"Take me to the Han River."

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