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Jimin felt guilty for ignoring Jungkook for so long. Maybe I'll stop being petty and apologize to him... tomorrow, he thought. He wanted to apologize for throwing the water bottle at the poor boy. Jimin just sat on his bed, scrolling through BTS's twitter feed. He jumped up, startled, when he heard a thud from another room.

Jimin decided to finally speak to the younger male. "Are you okay, Jungkook?"

Silence followed his question. Is he ignoring me now?

"Jungkook?" he asked, raising his voice a little bit. Silence was the response he got.

Jimin's curiosity started to get the better of him, and rose from his spot on his bed. He walked around the dorm, checking each and every room to see where the younger was. He approached the bathroom door and knocked.

"Are you in here?" Jimin's patience was wearing out. "Kookie, I'm going to open the door right now." Jimin purposefully allowed the nickname to slip out, hoping Jungkook would listen and open the door himself. After waiting for a few seconds, Jimin barged inside the bathroom.

He couldn't believe what he saw. Jungkook laid sprawled out on the bathroom floor with a bunch of colored pills surrounding him; in his right hand was a half-empty pill bottle.

"No, Jungkook, you wouldn't..." Jimin whispered as his vision became blurry with tears. He carefully picked up Jungkook and put him into his car and drove to the hospital. He didn't care about the red lights he flew past, he didn't care about the honking horns of the angry drivers, he didn't care about anything at the moment. Jimin could only focus on saving Jungkook.

When Jimin arrived at the hospital, he bolted to the nurses at the front desk while carrying Jungkook bridal style. His begs and cries were almost incoherent, but somehow the nurses understood the situation and rushed Jungkook to the emergency room.

Jimin was bawling his eyes out while he waited outside of Jungkook's room. He called the other members and they joined him in record time. In broken sobs, Jimin had to explain what happened to Jungkook to the other 5 males, who were trying to stop their never-ending tears.

"It's m-my f-f-fault," Taehyung mumbled. "I-if I d-didn't l-leave y-you guys alone, t-then-"

"It's not your fault, Tae," Jimin quietly reassured him. "I-it's my fault I was so stupid and ignored h-"

"Excuse me," one of the nurses interrupted. "Are you Jeon Jungkook's family members?"

"Y-yes, but not biologically," Jin replied. "How is he? He's awake now, right?"

Jimin wished she would say yes. He needs to apologize to Jungkook, for hurting him so much for so long. He needs Jungkook's forgiveness. He needs to tell Jungkook that he wants to marry him. He needs to tell Jungkook that he wants to grow old with him and start a family. He needs to tell Jungkook that he loves him.

The nurse stared at them for a moment, then took a deep breath before announcing,

"I'm sorry, but we couldn't save Jungkook."

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