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Jungkook locked himself in his room after Jimin went out for his date. Everyone else went out to go eat at the new restaurant that opened a few streets down, but Jungkook politely declined, saying that he wanted to learn to cook for himself. No words could describe how heartbroken he felt right now. He went into the bathroom, trying to find a razor.

He doesn't want me, so what's the use of living? Jungkook was slowly becoming mentally insane. If he doesn't want me, he doesn't need me. He brought the razor dangerously close to his left wrist. Would Jimin be happy if he caught me right now? He dropped the razor. He doesn't need me, he has some girl. He picked the weapon up. Don't do it, Jungkook. He closed his eyes and imagined he heard Jimin's soothing voice beg him to drop the razor.

And so he did.

What the hell was I thinking? Jungkook cursed at himself. He disposed of the razor, the one that could've been dripping with fresh, crimson blood.

Jungkook sat down, leaning against the sink, feeling defeated. Suddenly, he heard the front door open and thought it was Jin and the others, smelling some leftover take out food.

"Jungkook?" the voice - that didn't sound like Jin or his other hyungs - called out.

Oh no. Jungkook thought.

Jimin is home.

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