Chapter 1: Homecoming

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*3rd Person POV*

Here we see class E-3, calmly doing their work while their teacher, Koro-sensei, spoke to Mr.Kurasuma outside.

"Okay kids!" Koro-sensei said, as he re-entered the class, "We will be taking a little bit of a field trip today!"

Kaede held up her hand, "What kind of field trip, sir?"

"We will be searching for a world-famous assassin in the woods!"

"WHAT!?" The entire class yelled, dumbfounded by the news.

"Yes class," Mr.Kurasuma said, "We have decided that it would be good training for you all to assist in finding this assassin."

"So who's the assassin we're after?" Rio asked.

"Well, it's someone that Kama knows well." Koro-sensei said.

Everyone looked back at Karma, who just said, "Hmm...I have no idea who you're talking about."

"Well," Koro-sensei said, looking towards Nagisa, "Perhaps someone else knows who it is, Nagisa?"

"I-it's Y-y/n." Nagisa said, hiding his face from the death glare Karma was giving him.

"Who's Y/n?" Yukiko asked.

"Why don't you tell the class Karma?" Koro-sensei asked, gesturing to Karma.

"He's my brother."

"WHAT!?" The whole class yelled again.

"Are you all deaf?" Karma said, looking around at his classmates, "I said he's my older brother."

With that, they all left the class and got into a bus that was parked outside. Kurasuma hopped in the driver's seat and drove the bus to the forest.


They arrived in the forest around noon. They all exited the bus, looking around for Fate. Karma though, was a little worried about how his older brother could've changed.

'Where are you Y/n? I'm worried for you.'

{Flashback 4 years}

Karma was getting home from school and was surprised to find that his parents weren't home. He went upstairs and saw his brother packing a duffel bag with his clothes, money, and a knife.

"Big brother?" Karma asked, "What are you doing?"

Y/n turned around, surprised to see him, "Oh, uh, Karma," He sighed, "Listen, big brother's going to have to take a little trip, okay?"

Karma nodded, confused about what was going on, "Good, listen Karma, be good for Mom and Dad okay? I love you."

With that, his brother picked up his bag, hugged Karma, and left the house. With one last wave over his shoulder, he walked down the road, not turning back once.


'Why did he leave?' Karma thought.

"Okay kids," Koro-sensei said, "Stay close, we're dealing with a very dangerous assassin."

With that, the class walked off into the woods, searching for the famous assassin. Unaware of the red and yellow eyes watching over them.

[Timeskip 4 hours]

The class was taking a break, and Karma was looking to the trees, when he saw a figure watching him from the shadows. Seeing him, the figure turned and ran away, followed by Karma.

"Karma, what are you doing?" Nagisa yelled.

Karma didn't hear, he was too focused on catching up to his brother. He followed him all the way until he turned around a tree, and Karma lost him. Karma ended up at the bottom of a large cliff, with no sight of Y/n. He fell down on his knees. The class followed him, the first being Rio. Rio looked up at the cliff and saw a handsome man at the top.

'Damn, he's hot.' She thought.

Karma was suddenly hit in head by something. He picked it up, and saw that it was one of his brother's coins.

He looked up and saw his brother standing on the edge of the cliff looking down at him

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He looked up and saw his brother standing on the edge of the cliff looking down at him.

*Y/n POV*

'Hello brother.'

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now