Chapter 2: Reunion

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{Flashback: San Diego, Moving Day}

*3rd Person POV*

Y/n was waking up from a good night's rest and noticed that it was noon.

"Well, got up just in time to pack and catch the plane." He said to himself.

He walked over to the doggy bed, where Red was sleeping. "Get up lazy," He said, gently nudging the dog, "We gotta get moving."

Red slowly woke up, yawning while Y/n walked out of the room. Y/n was heading for the closet in the living room, and stopped to pick up the picture of him and his brother, looking it over. "See ya soon, brother."

He continued walking to the living room, grabbing his duffel bag on the way, the same one he had when he left Japan. He got to the living room and stood in front of the closet, trying to remember the combination for the lock he had on it. 

Okay, remember when I said that he only owned the couch, bed, and doggy bed. I lied. Opening the closet, he looked over his stash. A massive stash. Of guns. Ak-47, AA-12 shotgun, 1911 operator pistols, you name it, he's got it. He picked up two things, a bag full of revolver ammo, and a burlap sack filled to the brim with C4. He packed everything he could into his duffel, including the doggy bed, which Red helpfully pulled to him. He then laid C4's in every room in his apartment, making sure that the gun closet was definitely covered.

With that, he left the apartment building, hopping on his bike. As he drove away with Red sitting carefully on the back, he pulled out a detonator and pressed the button. the apartment went up in smoke, destroying everything and possibly killing everyone inside, but he didn't care.

He had a plane to catch.


*Y/n POV*

I looked down and saw my brother looking up at me. He smiled widely, almost as widely as I was. I looked around, looking for a quick way to the bottom. I decided that I would just jump. I walked back a bit, then ran forward, jumping off the edge.

Karma looked horrified, it looked hilarious. I then activated my grappling hook, letting it impale the side of the cliff, lowering myself gently to the bottom.

 I then activated my grappling hook, letting it impale the side of the cliff, lowering myself gently to the bottom

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I looked around at all the stunned faces, and decided I should speak.

"Don't just stand there, applaud!"

Karma then jumped onto me, pulling me into a massive hug which I returned.

"I missed you, Big Brother!"

"I missed you too, Karma."

We stood there for what seemed like forever, just stuck hugging each other. We released each other from the hug, and turned to Karma's classmates. Two people came up to us, one I recognized as Irina Jelavic, that bitch.

"Well, well, well, look who decided to show their face?" She said, showing her cocky attitude.

"Pretty cocky for someone who could never beat me in a fight." I said, showing a little of my assassin cockiness.

"Why you-" She was cut off by the man in a black suit.

"Mr.Akabane, my name is agent Karasuma, from the SDF."

"What does the Special Defense Force want with little old me."

"I'd say that it's pretty obvious, considering the kill count you have."

"What is my kill count again? I've lost count."

"Around two thousand, mostly  high-level CEO's and executives."

The kids looked horrified, which was oddly funny. I laughed a little, before speaking, "And how do you think that you'll be able to capture me."

"I didn't come here to capture you Mr.Akabane."

"Just Y/n will suffice. And if you didn't want to capture me, what do you want?"

"Well Y/n, I wanted to offer you a position as a teacher of E-3 at Kunugigaoka."

"Ahh, my Alma mater. Wait.. why do you want a world famous assassin teaching junior high kids?"

"It's not a normal class. We're the assassination classroom." Karma explained.

"What the F*** is that?"

"Our students are being trained to assassinate a specific target, the thing responsible for destroying the moon."

"Okay, where and what is this thing?"

"He is the teacher of class E-3, a yellow octopus alien that can fly at mach 3. And currently, he's right behind you."

I turned around and saw a 9 foot tall yellow octopus staring back at me. I looked it up and down, then yawned. "This thing destroyed the moon. Heh, he's not even half  as scary as some of the guys I've taken down."

"Hehheheh," The thing spoke, "I like that attitude, it's the attitude of a seasoned assassin."

"Yeah, I hear that a lot."

"I am Koro-sensei!" He spoke, "I am the teacher and target of class E-3!"

"Heh, nice to meet you," I said, smirking, "I think this will be the most interesting job I've had in a long time."

"Does that mean you'll accept?" Karasuma asked, confused, "You haven't even asked for pay."

"I get to kill the octopus that destroyed the moon, get the Japanese government to turn a blind eye for a while, and on top of that, I get to help train my younger brother. Soooo, yeah, I'm in."

I stuck out my hand and Karasuma grabbed it and we shook firmly. I then turned back around to Koro-sensei, and did the same. "Looking forward to killing you, octopus."

"Heheheh, I look forward to your attempts."

And with that, I followed them to the bus, before I realized something.

"Hey, could you guys drop me off at my safe house, I forgot to feed my dog."

"Umm... sure." Karasuma said.

With that, we left the forest. They dropped me at my safe house, and I had to pry Karma off me so that I could go in. When I got in, I saw a very pissed-looking Red staring at me.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, waving my hand, "I forgot to leave your food out. I was a little busy having a happy reunion with my brother."

With that, I went to the kitchen, grabbing a goo-sized slab of meat out of the fridge, and placed it in Red's bowl. I decided to clean my gun and knife, then go to bed.

After all, I got a big day ahead of me.

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now