Chapter 15: Pervert Sensei

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Hey everyone, it's your friendly neighborhood author man here! Just wanted to let you know, I'll be going to vegas with my family, so updates over the weekend may be sparse.

See ya in another life, Brotha!

*Y/n POV*

I was returning to the class, Irina walking next to me.

"So, did you hear?" I asked.

"About what?"

"The strange pervert that's been stealing girls undergarments all around town."

"How much you want to bet Koro-sensei is behind this somehow?"

"I wouldn't be surprised."

We got to class, and they day was crazy. The kids had suspected that Koro-sensei was behind the pervert attacks. Koro-sensei ended up leaving depressed, it was a strange sight. Apparently, losing the faith of his students really hurt him. I came up behind Karma and a group of the students.

"You kids are completely wrong."

Karma replied, "That's what I said, Koro-sensei wouldn't just leave evidence out for us to find."

"Correct."I said, "You kids should look into this."

I walked away before they could reply. They began scheming whatever they were doing and Irina had a job, so I was free to do what I had planned.


*Karma POV*

We had been siting in the bushes for an hour and a half, before the pervert decided to strike. We lept out of the bushes and Koro-sensei grabbed the pervert. He was wearing a mask that looked just like Koro-sensei.

We tried intimidating him for information when suddenly, a barrier sprung up around Koro-sensei. Then, Shiro and Itona came out of nowhere and started to fight Koro-sensei, it was an ambush. And we couldn't help at all.

Suddenly, a black figure with four red tentacles coming out of the back of it's neck came and tackled Itona, restricting him. Shiro ran off, and the figure gave Itona to Koro-sensei before flying away. We all just looked at where the figure was, before turning and leaving.

*Third Person POV*

On top of a building, overlooking the students going home for the night, was the figure from before. He was covered in a black hood with a cape, which protected his identity. He looked out and the moonlight illuminated one red and one yellow eye.

'So, the experiments were continued. That's bad news for me.'

He flew back to his home at mach 10, is top speed. His powers were half of Koro-sensei's, but still twice what was given to Itona. He went to his home, and went to sleep, the night's activities wearing him out.

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