Chapter 20: Ten Years Later

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*Y/n POV*

Ten years.

That's how long it's been since that faithful night.

Things have been pretty interesting since then. I went back to school, getting my degree in Weapons Engineering. Me and Irina got married. We moved back to the US, since assassination was easier out here. Even though we were getting a little old, we were still some of the greatest assassins in the world.

Can't say the same for Red.

Almost as soon as we got back from Japan, he f***ed the neighbor's dog, giving us three pups. They look just like their father. The biggest is Jake, he's strangely protective of his brothers. The middle one is Lovro, named after the famed assassin, of course. And the last, smallest, was Jokester. He was my favorite. He was energetic and had the qualities of a good assassin dog, like his father.

Anyway, I'm currently driving my truck up to the Class E building. Red was asleep in the seat next to me, and the back was filled with paint and plywood, to fix up the old building.

I pulled up to the building, where the students were already there, talking to each other about what had happened. There were a few noticeably missing faces.

"Hey kids!"

They all turned to me, "Y/n!" Kayano yelled, jumping on me.

"Where's the rest of the class?"

"Well, Nagisa is a science teacher, and Karma is a diplomat."

"I always knew Nagisa would make it, but diplomat Karma is...surprising."

With that, I used my tentacles to start unloading paint and plywood and everyone got to work fixing the class.


We were all done. People had started to leave. It was just me and Kayano, loading things back into my truck so I could catch Nicholas' plane back home. Before we left, I took a nail and a hammer, as well as a manila folder I had in the truck.

"What's that?" Kayano asked.

I just opened the manila folder, revealing a picture taken of the entire class in their camouflage outfits. Koro-sensei had everyone wrapped with his tentacles.

I nailed the picture to the wall, "I think that's a good way to memorialize him. Let the next students to use this class see the greatest teacher the world has ever known."

"Yeah, that'll be nice."

We walked our separate ways, me pulling my truck back down the hill. I had to catch the late night cargo plane Nicholas was flying back to the US, since the Japanese government was still out for my head.

As for the kids, well, they may be separated, but...

We will always be the Assassination Classroom.

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now