Chapter 11: My Luck, Your Fate

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*Y/n POV*

We were all sitting around, the kids disappointed. They had just failed their largest attempt at killing Koro-sensei, it was understandable.

I was worried about something a little more serious.

I had just got of the phone with Number 9 and he warned me about Luck. He's here. On the island. I had to watch my back.

That's when I noticed something moving around, a person, shifting in the bushes. I saw a bit of blue and knew exactly who it was. I just needed a distraction so I could get away.

Suddenly, the children all started to collapse, sick, I suppose. I used this as my perfect distraction, following the figure through the bushes. I pulled out my gun, replacing the anti-Koro bb's with bullets. Red was asleep in the room, had been for a couple of hours.

I followed the figure around the entire island, eventually ending up in a clearing. Standing twenty yards from me was the figure. Blue hair, blue clothes, and a knife in his hand, surrounded by ravens.

 Blue hair, blue clothes, and a knife in his hand, surrounded by ravens

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Well, that's how most people knew him. I knew him as Ryan Fields, fellow survivor of the experimentation I went through. And the reason I left Karma four years ago.

"Hello Y/n."

"Why are you here Ryan?"

"That's no way to greet your friend, is it?"

"We are not friends. You threatened my brother's and my own life if I didn't join you."

"Yes, and you still managed to escape and hide from me for four years."

"I had some help."

"Ah yes, old man Bleo. What a fool. He tried to fight me, even when my natural abilities far outdo his own."

"Yeah well, the old man's still alive though, so you didn't do a good job."


"I'm just saying, a real assassin would have ended the man's life, now he can come for revenge."

"Grrr, I really want to kill you."

"What's stopping you?"

"The fact that, even though I hate to admit it, the version of the serum you got was much stronger than the one I got."

"Heh, I guess you're right." I laughed, "But next time, I expect a big fight."

"And you'll have your fight." He walked right past me, "But don't expect any mercy when I come back and Kill you, then that Koro-sensei guy."

There was a gust of wind, and he disappeared. "Goddamn, what happened to you, Luck?" I started walking away, "You would've normally tried to kill me on sight."

I walked back to the hotel, and met up with the class. They all looked...scarred to say the least. As if they had actually almost died. I spoke to Karma and learned the whole story. A former teacher of the class had come back for his rematch against Nagisa.

Everyone went back to their rooms, except for me and Karasuma. "So, why'd you disappear?"

"I saw Luck."

"Ryan Fields? I thought he was dead."

"People say the same about me." I let out a deep breath, "After the experiments, they announced us all dead. Even though two of us survived."

"That company is insane. I can't believe they got away with their experiments."

"Well, if they didn't, we wouldn't have Koro-sensei, would we?"

"You have a point."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to sleep. It's been a long day."


I went back to Irina and my room, greeted by Irina all over me, asking me an unbelievable amount of questions. I silenced her with a kiss, "I'm tired, let's go to bed."


"Tonight's going to be a long night, huh?"

"Yes it is Mister."

All I could think of was, 'The world's gone insane, and when that happens, a sane man is never okay.'

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now