Chapter 4: First Day Part II

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*Y/n POV*

"What the actual F***?"

I asked again, still unsure of what I was seeing. I looked at him, and even he seemed confused. then Kayano spotted us and ran over. She waved to us, and I waved back.

"Hello Mr.Karasuma, Mr.Akabane!"

"Hello Kayano." Karasuma said, "what's going on here?"

"Oh yeah, Koro-sensei accidentally destroyed the flower bed, so to make up for it, he's tied up in a tree and is allowing us to try to hit him." she said with a smile and laugh.

"Well then." Karasuma said.

I just pulled out my revolver and, aiming for the rope tying Koro-sensei to the tree, pulled the trigger, firing a bullet through the rope. Everyone was shocked for a second, before Koro-sensei flew to the roof of the building.

"Heheheh," He laughed, "you'll never be able to hit me, students!"

*3rd Person POV*

After he said that, a  gush of wind blew past him, and a shadow fell from behind him. Before he could turn around, something cut off two of his tentacles, the tentacles dropping to the ground.

Koro-sensei flew to the ground, looking around for whatever it was that cut off his tentacles. Another gust of wind crossed him, cutting off another tentacle. Koro-sensei whipped around and saw Y/n holding his revolver in his right hand, pointing it at him. In his left hand, his knife was dripping the yellow pus from the tentacles.

Koro-sensei's face immediately became one of fear, seeing as how the assassin was able to track and keep up with him at mach 20.

"Scared, Octopus?" Y/n asked, "Don't worry, I plan to let the kids have this kill."

with that, Y/n sheathed his knife and holstered his revolver, walking into the class building.

*Y/n POV*

As I walked into the classroom, I heard Karma behind me, "What was that?!"

"Whatever do you mean, dear brother?" I asked in my most innocent voice.

"How did you keep up with Koro-sensei?"

"Years of training."

"That's not-!"

I put my hand over his mouth just to shut him up.

"You talk too much little bro, a real assassin lets his skills to the talking."

With that, the rest of the class came in and class began as expected.


It was time for Physical Education, or as it was known in this classroom, Assassination Training.

"Okay class," Karasuma said, getting everyone's attention, "Today, i thought that you should get a glimpse at what a real fight between assassins looks like."

Everyone looked confused, then he said, "So Y/n and I are going to spar for you."

I laughed, "You really wanna fight, Karasuma? You know the last guy who fought me is sleeping at the bottom of a lake in Utah, right?"

The class looked horrified, "Yes Y/n, i think the kids need to know what a real fight looks like."

"Alright, your funeral."

With that, we took our positions.

The fight began, Karasuma ran at me, I just grabbed his arm and flipped him over me with no effort. He tried to roundhouse kick me, but I grabbed his leg and flipped him over me again. Then, he charged at me, I just grabbed his neck in a choke hold I was taught by US Marines.

In a matter of seconds (seriously, as someone who's used and has had this move used on me, you lose air almost instantly), Karasuma tapped my arm twice, the signal for his surrender

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In a matter of seconds (seriously, as someone who's used and has had this move used on me, you lose air almost instantly), Karasuma tapped my arm twice, the signal for his surrender.

"You see kids," I said, "Karasuma here made a fatal error. He chose to fight someone who was way above his level, which, if I was actually trying, would have resulted in his death."

After that, Karasuma was recovering and I sent the kids through some mid-level intense exercises and drills, focusing on speed and hand-to-hand combat.

After that, the kids went back to class with the Octopus. I said goodbye to the other teachers and Karma, then me and Red took off, as I only had to stay for combat training.

"Well, Red," I said, sighing, "That was an interesting first day,"

"I wonder what tomorrow will bring."

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now