Chapter 5: School Trip Time

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Yep, no creative title, just stealing an episode name. Anyway, a few things I wanted to clear up, so here.

-The reader is 18

-The reader found Red in the woods while he as injured, and helped him heal

-The reader was trained by Ex-US marine, current assassin, Bleo, who has been missing since he stopped training Y/n. (No one knows his real name)

-The reader has only been an assassin for two years. During the other two, he was working at McDonald's.

-The reader and Irina have a past together, which will be revealed in a few chapters

-I'm not making a harem story, because 90% of the girls are 14.

-The main pairing will be Irina, but if you want something else, speak up.

Anyway, back to the story, Enjoy!

*Y/n POV*

It had been a couple of months since I had begun teaching here, and I had gotten into a routine. Wake up late, get coffee, show up to class late, send the kids through drills (sometimes spar with them, where they had no chance against me), say bye, go home, get guns, go assassinate.

As I pulled up next to the E building, I noticed none of the kids were outside, since usually they trained with Karasuma till I got there. I turned off the car and Red and I got out. We went inside, and heard the kids in there classroom. I walked in, and time seemed to stop. I took everything in at once.

The guys were yelling at Koro-sensei.

Nagisa looking confused.

Actually, everyone looked confused.

Except Karma drinking milk in the back, probably strawberry knowing him.

And Koro-sensei dressed up in... geisha?!

Everyone looked at me, I looked back. They stared, I stared back.

Then I walked backwards out of the room, closing the door and leaving the building.

[Timeskip, brought to you by chibi class E-3 chasing chibi Y/n down the mountain]

Okay, here's what's happening. The entire school is going on a trip to Kyoto. Karasuma had explained the entire trip to me in the teacher's room, Irina was there too, useless as ever.

"Okay, I get the trip, but what does this have to do with me? I'll just stay home."

"No, Y/n." Karasuma said, sighing, "That's the other part of this. You'll be working as a sniper, trying to kill Koro-sensei while he's with the different groups."

"Oh, you want me to play sniper. Got it."

"Yes," He said, "And if you kill Koro-sensei, the money will be split between you and the group."



"I said no. I will not take money from these kids." I said, "I didn't accept it when you first offered, I won't except it now."

"Why not?" Irina asked, her tone angering me.

"Because, Irina," I said, turning to her, "I have bigger fish to fry, and a little brother to care about. And nothing matters more to me than him."

"Your loss."

"Shut it, Bitch."


We were all getting ready to get on the train, Red had been left back at the house, since I couldn't take him with me. The kids were being picked on by the Class A kids, which annoyed the crap outta me, but Irina walked by, making the high and mighty kids stop in their tracks.

After most of the class were on the train, I walked towards first class, but was stopped by Karma.

"Where are you going Y/n? Our class is back here."

"Karma, on this trip, I am not your teacher," I said, slipping on my aviator shades, "I am Fate."

With that, I went into first class and he went to the rest of the class. When I found my seat, I set my case, which housed my sniper rifle, on the rack above my head. Then, my phone started buzzing. I picked it up, and recognized the number almost instantly.

"Heheh, never thought you'd call me again." I answered.

"Surprised you haven't changed your number yet, Fate."

"Yeah, well, clients need to reach me somewhere."

"Well, Fate, as one old friend to another, someone set you a message."

"Yeah, well what is it?"

"It's from Luck."

"...Go on."

"He said, 'Watch out Y/n I'm coming for you.'"

"Hmm, I'll keep an eye out."

"Okay Y/n. Just be careful."

"I will be."

"See ya 'round, Fate."

"See ya in Kyoto, Red Eye."

As I put away my phone, I thought to myself, 'He never fails to get me information, does he? Well, Luck's threat should be taken seriously, I'll need to keep both eyes open.'

'But if he uses, don't think like that. It'll be fine.'

'After all, I'm actually here to protect him this time, and I'm not going to run away this time.'

'Come and find me, Luck, I'm right here.'

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now