Chapter 7: Transfer Student Time

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*Y/n POV*

I actually woke up when my alarm went off this morning. I know, it surprised me to. I sat there in bed for a minute, wondering why I set an alarm. Suddenly, I remembered.

"Oh yeah, we're getting that transfer student from...Norway was it?" I scratched my chin for a second, thinking, "Ah, F*** it, I never cared about the Eskimos up north before, and I ain't gonna start now."

I got up and began doing my morning routine. Before leaving the room, I gently nudged Red with my foot, waking him up. He followed me, and I placed his food in his bowl before pouring a bowl of cereal. As I stared down into the cereal, I fell asleep.


I woke up a few hours later, my face covered in cereal. Luckily, I was eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast...without any milk. I looked over to the clock and said, "Oh look,  I'm going to get to school at my regular time."

With that, me and Red left the house, ready for another strange-ass day.

When I got to class, I went into the classroom, only to see a bunch of anti-Koro-sensei pellets flying at me. I just matrix-ed under the bullets, it looked really cool.

The pellets stopped and I heard everybody gasp.

"What, that dodge wasn't that impress-"

I stopped myself after I saw that Koro-sensei's tentacle was blown off.

'What the f*** did those Norwegian-f***tards create?'

I looked to the back of the class, and recognized what I saw. A giant metal box, with a screen showing a girls face. The girl was dressed in school uniform and had purple hair.

"*sigh* We meet again, Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery."

"Have we met before?" The thing spoke.

"Well, you don't recognize me?" I stated, faking my offended tone, "I mean, the last time we met, you were a bunch of ones and zeros aiming a mini-gun at me."

"Identity confirmed. Y/n Akabane, Fate. Aliases known: nearly infinite. Target of the Alpha model Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery."

"Ah, so you do remember me. I'm happy the programmers fixed your crappy voice. Seriously, HAL was not a good role model for you." I said, earning myself a laugh, "But, as your teacher, you should know that we have a rule against shooting guns in the classroom."

"Command affirmed, lowering weapons." Then, her weapons all returned to their places, and the panels shut over them.

"Good, enjoy your first day, Ritsu. I'll see you in physical education."

With that I walked off. Truth was, we weren't having Phys. Ed. today, but I set up a deck chair from my car, put on my aviators, drank a  beer, and watch Ritsu shoot her guns in every class. Red was sitting next to me, and I could tell the constant gunfire annoyed him. In truth, it annoyed me to, but the Norwegians would have my head if I took a crowbar to her fixed...her programming.

All I could do was hope Koro-sensei could handle her.


I woke up the next day at my regular time, no alarm. Got in my car, and drove back to school.

"Here we go again." I said as Red and I got out of the car.

When I got up to the class I was surprised. Ritsu's tiny face monitor was replaced with a full body monitor, and she looked...happy.

"Good morning Professor Akabane!" She said in a happy tone.

"Good morning, Ritsu!" I said, "Somethings different about you, did you get a haircut?"

"No, Koro-sensei gave me these upgrades to help me get along with the class better."

"Well, that's wonderful!" I said in my own happy tone, "Well, the other kids are waiting for me, see ya later."

"Goodbye Professor!"

"Ritsu, just Y/n is fine."

"Okay, goodbye Y/n!"

I went outside and sent the other kids through their regular drills, afterwards I left, took Red and went home.


Strangely enough, I got up early, early enough to get to school before first period. Red wasn't even up. I decided to leave him today and got ready. I was weirded out. I didn't even fall asleep in my cereal. I got to school and was thinking so heavily, that I didn't even notice I got to the E-Building. I opened the door and went to the class. The whole room was staring at me when I entered.


"Well, it's just..." Nagisa started.

"You're here earlier then Koro-sensei today!" Karma said.

"Oh god," I said, my eyes wide, "I'm becoming a teacher."

I immediately went to the teacher's lounge. and fell asleep on the desk, not waking up until Irina shook me.

"What the hell are you doing here so early, Y/n?"

"I'm starting to become a teacher."

"You too, huh?"

"It's scary." I said, "I'm a trained assassin, I'm not supposed to be around kids, much less teach them."

"Yeah, but these kids are different."

"I've noticed."

"You know, I think we've changed." She said, "Not just as assassins but as people."

"Yeah." I said, "We should go out to dinner sometime?"


"Isn't that something adults do?"

"Yeah, but why should we?"

"Eh, thought you'd enjoy it."

Before she had the chance to respond, I walked back to the classroom, only to see Ritsu with her guns out. Seeing Karasuma, I asked him.

"Let me guess, the Norwegians came back?"

"Yes, it appears her parents payed a visit overnight, but Koro-sensei doesn't seem worried."

Suddenly, flowers shot out of her guns.

"Isn't this what you told me Koro-sensei?" She asked.

I wasn't even paying attention, I was just staring at Ritsu. 'Man, these kids sure are something.'

'Sure are something'

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now