Chapter 19: International Space Station

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A/n: I have decided to skip the Class E civil war. Mostly because I really can't think of anyway to make the reader get involved. Just know that the reader doesn't believe in a cure for the tentacles, but doesn't get involved.

*Y/n POV*

This is interesting. The class had just learned that research about Koro-sensei's condition is being done on the International Space Station. So what do they want to do?

They want to "infiltrate" the ISS. Dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Whatever, might as well help out. Could be interesting.

My job was to help get Karma and Nagisa, by proxy Ritsu, on to the rocket heading up with supplies. I knew two people who could help, so I was making some calls.


"Hello Nicholas," I said into my phone, "Glad to see you're keeping up with your Spanish."

"What do you need?"

"Listen, my class is planning to infiltrate the International Space Station and I need your help."

"My job is going to be air dropping some students into the launch pad and then picking them up when they come back."

"Yep, you'll be paid, of course."

"No need, I own you a favor anyway."

"Okay, see ya."

My phone clicked, signaling that the call was over. I hit a few more buttons and made another call.

"Assassin hotline, Number 9 speaking."

"It's Y/n."

His voice became serious in a moment, "What you need?"

"My class is planning to infiltrate the ISS. I need you to hack into the security system and trick the cameras for my kids to get on."

"Ok, just call me when your getting ready."


He hung up and I walked back into the class. Everyone looked at me and I pointed to Nagisa.

"I called my guys, you're going in by stealth chopper and you'll have five minutes to get on the shuttle."

I walked back out of the class and waited for when the mission would begin.

[Timeskip two days]

Ok, it was a bad idea to try to wait for the mission in the class. I haven't been home in two days, Irina has been feeding Red. I slept on a desk for christ's sake.

Anyway, today was the mission. Nicholas would be flying by with his chopper to pick up Karma, Nagisa, Me, and Karasuma. Nicholas, Karasuma, and I would be ground team, and Karma and Nagisa would be headed for space, with Ritsu taking Nagisa's phone.

I had my duffel bag. The four of us were standing in the field, waiting for the plane. I wanted to bring Red with us, but I decided to leave him in the class with Irina.

I heard something and saw a black helicopter flying towards us. It landed and the side door opened, revealing Nicholas holding the bar and beckoning with his hand.

 It landed and the side door opened, revealing Nicholas holding the bar and beckoning with his hand

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"Come on! We got enough fuel to get there and then to the pick up location, but we gotta hurry!"

I threw my bag in and pulled my self in, before turning around. I grabbed Karma's wrist and pulled him in while Karasuma hopped in and grabbed Nagisa. Nicholas jumped into the pilot seat and as we flew towards the launch location, I hopped into the co pilot's seat. The ride went by in comfortable silence.

Ten minutes later, Nicholas landed the helicopter in a field, less than a kilometer away from the rocket.

"Okay, get moving, we ain't got long!" He yelled, "Y/n, call Number 9, tell him it's time!"

Karasuma took Nagisa and Karma, and they ran off to the launch pad.

I pressed a button on my phone, which sent a signal straight to Number 9, which let him know it was time to shut off the cameras. Nicholas pulled a large box from the helicopter. He opened it, and unfolded three screens.

He pointed to the left-most screen, "This one will let us track the rocket on it's way up

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He pointed to the left-most screen, "This one will let us track the rocket on it's way up."

He pointed to the middle screen, "This one shows the drop point, where we'll meet the kids on their way back."

He pointed to the right screen, "This one will show us direct feed from the space station. Unfortunately, we don't get sound."

Karasuma came back, and looked at me. "The kids are on the rocket, we're good to go."

I nodded at Nicholas, who began hitting buttons on the keyboard. The screens came to life one by one.

With that, we had a few hours to spare. Nicholas laid down on the helicopter, his left leg leaning out of the door. I pulled out a flask and sat in the grass. Karasuma just stood around, keeping an eye out for security people.


I heard an obnoxious beeping coming from Nicholas' laptop. Evidently, Nicholas heard it too, as he fell out of the chopper, a nap apparently being interrupted.

"Goddamn," He said, pulling his face from the grass as pressing a few keys, "It was a nice nap too."

"Suck it up, sweetheart." I said.

"Okay, the kids are currently coming into the drop-off point. We're gonna meet them there."

Me and Karasuma nodded and hopped on the chopper. Nicholas hopped on and started the chopper, and we were off.

20 minutes later, we pulled up to the part of the shuttle that came back to Earth. Karasuma dropped a rope ladder out the side door and Karma and Nagisa grabbed on. He pulled them up and Nicholas started flying away.

I got out of the co pilot's seat and went back to where Nagisa, Karma, and Karasuma were sitting.

"You guys get the data?"

"Yep!" Karma yelled as he held up a USB drive.

"Good! Now let's get back to class!."

I went back to the seat and sat down. Within half an hour, we were landing in the field next to the classroom. I opened the side door and everyone except Nicholas disembarked. I turned around to say bye, only to see the chopper flying away, almost a mile by now.

My phone dinged and I opened a text from Nicholas, 'Call me when you need it.' He said.

With that, we walked back inside and Red leaped on me, licking my face.

As soon as I got him off, I was greeted by Irina, doing the same.

Karma gave Karasuma the USB and he said he'd look at it. As for me, I went to the teacher's room and took a nap.

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now