Chapter 3: First Day Part I

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*3rd Person POV*

The sun was beginning to rise across Tokyo. In the Akabane household, we see Karma, leaving for school. At the Shiota household, Nagisa is doing the some, with his mother waving at him as he walked towards school.

At Y/n's safe house we see... Y/n asleep. God dammit. School starts in less than an hour, and he's still asleep.

Thank god, here comes Red. Red licks his face, waking Y/n up from his peaceful rest.

*Y/n POV*

As Red woke me up, I gently pet his head. I looked over to my alarm clock, aand saw that I had slept through three alarms.

'Oh well, guess I'm going to be late'

 With that, I got up, got ready, grabbed my keys, and me and Red hopped in my car, a 1970 Doge Challenger (purple with a black soft top. My dream car).

I almost had a panic attack when I realized I didn't have my gun or knife, but then I remembered that Karasuma had taken them so that they could be modified to kill Koro-sensei

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I almost had a panic attack when I realized I didn't have my gun or knife, but then I remembered that Karasuma had taken them so that they could be modified to kill Koro-sensei.


I arrived at the school, pulling into the parking lot and seeing Karasuma standing there with my weapons. I got out of my car, followed by Red.

"Hey Karasuma."

"Hello Y/n," He said, then he looked down, "Are you sure about bringing Red?"

To this, Red barked and growled at him, but I just petted his head, saying, "Red is a well trained wolf," I explained, "He will listen to any command I give him."

"Fine with me." He said, changing the subject, "You have to speak to Principle Asano before you can start as a teacher."

"Ah, good old Asano." I said, remembering my own time at this school, "Wonder if he missed me?"

"Excuse me?"

"I was one of his best students, after all. We were decently close, compared to his other students."

"Well." He said, slightly surprised, "Let's go talk to him."

With that, we walked into the building, ignoring the stares we got from students as we walked to O'l Asano's office. We got there, and Asano was waiting for us.

"Hello gentlemen." He said, acting professional, "Glad you've decided to become a teacher Mr.Akabane."

"Cut the 'Mr.Akabane' crap, Asano." I said, "We've known each other for four or five years, just call me Y/n."

"Okay then." He said, staring into my eyes as I stared back at him, in a constant battle of wills and intimidation.

Karasuma coughed, getting both of our attention. "We just came by to make sure you understood the situation, Mr.Asano. The Japanese army thanks you for your cooperation."

With that, we left the room. "God damn, he's changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Back when I was a student, we didn't have classes based on student's abilities." I said, getting slightly sad, "I thought Asano was better than that. Guess I was wrong, not the first time that's happened."

With that, we walked out to the E class building, far out in the mountains. I was scanning the surrounding area, looking for anything I could use to my advantage. When we got closer to the top, I heard what sounded like the children laughing, to say the least, I was confused. We got up to the building and I saw something I was really surprised to see.

"What the actual F***?"

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now