Chapter 18: Secrets Unraveled

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Okay, this isn't exactly going to be completely accurate to the show, but I don't care. Let's get to it.

*Y/n POV*

I was in the teacher's room, taking a nap with a magazine over my face. That was when I heard a crash from the shed, and then something taking off at high speeds. I ran into the classroom, where everybody was leaving the building. I found Irina. "What the hell's going on?"

"Apparently, Kayano's sprouted tentacles and is fighting Koro-sensei!"

'Oh shit. This is bad.'

"Let's go," I said, "We need to help them both."

The whole class ran outside, where we saw Kayano fighting with Koro-sensei. Kayano was attacking mercilessly, but Koro-sensei wasn't striking back, no matter what

"He won't hit her, not now, not ever." I said.

"Then how do we stop her!?" Karma asked.

I looked at the class, scanning each one of their faces. My eyes landed on Nagisa. 'He's our last hope. Her last hope.'

"Nagisa," I spoke with authority, "I need you to distract Kayano so that Koro-sensei can cut off the tentacles."

"What? How?!"

"I don't know!" I yelled, "Slap her, punch her, kiss her if you have too! Just distract her."

To my surprise, he walked forward. Straight up to Kayano. She stared at him for a minute, and he appeared to be speaking. Then he did something I never thought he'd have the balls to do.

He kissed her.

"Now!" I yelled, "Cut off the tentacles!"

Koro-sensei came in with his massive clippers and cut the tentacles off. Kayano collapsed, clearly tired. I let out a sigh. "Thank god. Now, I would like an explanation." I pointed at Kayano, "You first."

She told us this whole story, about her sister and how Koro-sensei killed her. After the story, I let out a massive breath. "Okay, Koro, how about you?"

He told us his story. Turns out, he's the guy I've been hunting for four years. He's the Reaper. Betrayed by his prodigy, and turned into a science experiment. There was a long moment of silence, before I started talking.

"Well, I guess it's my turn."

Everyone was confused, before Karma asked me, "What do you mean?"

Four red tentacles shot out of my neck, "My turn to explain my tentacles."

"Well, it starts about five years ago..."


I was in principle Asano's office, we were talking about basketball while waiting for the men Asano said wanted to talk to me. Then, four men came into the office, one in a lab coat, the other's in suits.

"Ah, welcome sirs, please, take a seat." Asano spoke.

I stood next to Asano, across the desk from the men. The man in a lab coat spoke first, "Thank you for having us, Principle Asano." He turned to me, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr.Akabane."

"Y/n is fine, sir. And the pleasure is all mine."

"Well, I am professor Yanagisawa, I'm working on a project to make people stronger than ever before."

"Okay, I understand. But, if I may ask, what does this have to do with me?"

"Well Y/n, we'd like you to work with us. To test the first complete version of our serum."

As if sensing what I'm going to ask, he says, "You won't be alone of course, a boy named Ryan Fields has taken the serum, but his was half the power of the one we want to give you."

I looked to Asano, who looked back at me, and said in a fatherly way, "This is your choice, Y/n. But I would recommend it, this is a once in a life time opportunity."

I looked back at Yanagisawa and stuck out my hand, "It's a pleasure to be working with you, Professor."

"As with you. Now, lets go over certain terms. You will no longer be coming to school, you will go straight to our facility."

He handed me a ID badge, "This will allow you to get into the facility. It also has the address on it." He looked me dead in the eyes, "You are not allowed to talk about this project with anyone, not your parents, brother, or anyone else."

"Okay sir, I understand."

"Good," He stood, followed by the men in suits, "I will see you tomorrow, Y/n. Be prepared."

{Flashback end}

"That's how I got my tentacles."

"That's...interesting." Karma said, "Wait, is that why you had to leave?"

"No, I had to leave because once I escaped the facility and the experimentation, a fellow test subject, Ryan Fields, was trying to get me to join him. He threatened me, our parents, and you, brother." I sighed, "He was a good friend and a smart guy, but he wanted power and was jealous of my version of the serum."

Nobody spoke as everyone went back to the class, gathered their stuff and began to leave. I stood by the door and yelled at the students, "I expect to see you all tomorrow, even you Kayano!"

'Come and get me, Ryan. I'm right here.'

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now