Chapter 13: Finding the Reaper

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*Y/n POV*

All the students had returned home with Karasuma, Irina, and Koro-sensei. As for me, I was headed up north. I had gotten a call from Number 9 about one of the best assassins of all time. The Grim Reaper.

Yeah, I'm a bit insane. I've been looking for this guy for years. My pride as an assassin lead me to hunt his guy down, so here I was, in the clod north.

Mother Russia.

I was walking down the streets of the small town I was in, the last place Lovro was seen. It was cold, I was wearing a black trench coat with a high collar that covered my face. Suddenly, i stepped in something wet I followed the liquid to the alleyway, where I saw what was definitely the Reaper's work.

"Damn, he got Lovro."

Laying on the ground was Lovro's corpse, blood leaking from a wound near the heart. I recognized the Reaper's work, a small, near invisible hole where his heart is. I reached into my coat, pulling out a bullet with "Fate" etched into the side. I laid it by his body and got up, leaving the alleyway. I called Number 9.

"He's not here, he's on the move."


"That's not all, Lovro is dead."

"Damn, he was a good man."

"Yeah. I'm heading back to Japan, I have a feeling I know where the Reaper's going."

"Ok, I'll call you when I got a job."

I hung up and made another call, this time to my pilot, Nicholas.

"Hey Nick, I need a plane back to Japan."

"Got it."

He hung up, and I marveled at how he set everything up so I knew exactly where to go. Nicholas was always one for few words. He was a sniper, and kept silent cause it's his job. Other than that, I knew nothing about him, only that he liked to work alone.

I went to the airfield, the nearly empty one right next to the abandoned town. This far north, it was a miracle Nicholas, a California boy, even came up here. Luckily, he loved money and I always had enough to pay hi prices, making me one of his favorite customers.

I heard his plane coming in, a old F-16 from the 90's. It had American flags painted on the wings. He landed and I got on, and in less than ten minutes, we were on our way back to Japan. I decided to take a nap.


I woke up as the plane hit the runway. It was a Japanese SDF airway, Karasuma had helped empty the place so that we could come in. I jumped out, taking my bag with me. Before I could even turn around to wave him goodbye, the plane took off, back to the private runway that Nicholas owned.

I turned back around and walked off, my head full of questions, mostly about the Reaper.

*??? POV*

'So you're the famous 'Fate', huh? Well watch out. I'm coming for you.'

This is Your Fate: A male reader x assassination classroom storyWhere stories live. Discover now