Chapter Two

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"Hi, Luke" I said and forced a smile, but really I wish he wasn't here. I could embrass myself in front of him and he could tell everyone that, I'm stupid and weird. When I've always never wanted to be apart of some sort of drama."Alex, how's Ashton?" he smiles and my heart literally melts at the sight of his perfect smile.

"Good, him and Angel doing good" I said and my phone vibrated in my pocket, I excused myself before answering it. 

"Hello?" I asked after I answered my phone. "Alex how's the date?" Hannah laughs and I hear Angel and Ashton in the backround laughing their heads off. "Stoppp, I'm scared Im going to embrass myself in front of him' I pout and Hannah 'awws'. 

"Anyway guess what happened!" Hannah squeals, I flinched at the loud sound of her squeal. Which I think made me burst my eardrum.

"You ate Davids soul?" I guessed smirking, as Angel and Ashton went into howls of laughter which made me think. They are a perfect couple, I wished I had a perfect boyfriend like Ashton.

"No, But he asked me out!" she squeals and I smile, but I felt jealous in the inside. Now a days everyone wants a boyfriend, asking someone out or something like that. But my last boyfriend was in 8th Grade. I was dating a boy called Jai Grey, he was a huge dick head! He would laugh at me, embrass me and call me bad things. He only dated me because, he wanted to make Taylor ( the most popular girl in 8th Grade) jelly.

"Oh, congratz Hannah! Well I have to go, dinner. See you guys later!" I farewelled. They said their goodbyes before we hung up. I sighe before puting my phone in my pocket.

"David asked Hannah out ey?" I heard a voice and I turned around and nearly jumped.

"Jeez, Luke don't scare me" I said trying to calm myself down as he smirked.

He tucked a peice of my hair behind my ear, while I bit the inside of my mouth. Millions of thoughts running through my head.

Will he kill me?

Do I look ugly?

Will he embrass me infront of everyone at school?

"KIDS, DINNER!" yelled my mother and I moved away from his reach, feeling abit uncomfortable near Luke.

Fuck you nerves!

Fuck You!

Not you, I Love You.

Like McFlurrys.


No wonder people think I'm weird.

I sat at the dinner table, Mum and Andrew at the ends of the 6 seater table. Luke sitting infront of me.


"So Luke, I hear you like Rugby and Music" my mother says and I took a sip of my water. Luckily I never told my mum about Luke.

"Yes, Ms Mitchell. Rugby and Music I have a very great passion for" he says before wiping his mouth with a napkin. I automatically mentally groaned.

My mothers smile told it all.

Luke was her favourite. Already!

"That's lovely, Please call me Lacey!" she smiles and he smiles.

Mum starts talking to Andrew and I kick Luke from under the table. He gives me a what-the-flack face as I glare at him.

"That was lovely, Lacey" Luke compliments and my mother looking like she was going to faint.

"Thank you Luke, Alex please take Luke to your room, or somewhere while I clean up" my mother said while she got up and picked the plates up.

I lead him to my room, and shoved him to my xbox whre FIFA was still in. Yes I play FIFA.

"Eager, ey?" he smirks and I roll my eyes.

- 30 mintues Later-

"Luke, time to go!" yelled Andrew.

Luke pants as he puts his boxers back on, as I cover myself.


He placed the controller down, as we walked downstairs.

I saw my mother and Andrew making out. "Eww!" Luke and I yelled as we covered our eyes.

After a bit of ewwing, the Hemmings left and my mother smirked at me.

"It's not illegal" she said, as I looked at her confused.


"Dating your soon-to-be-stepbrother?"

"Wait, what?"



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