Chapter 14

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Luke and I had sex, and I'm pregant.


Thankyou guys for reading and I just wan- Naw I'm just kidding. :D


I avodied Luke, the whole time. Well more like tried, he would always find a way to corner me and ask me why I was avoding him.

"Alex!" he yelled as he grabbed my hand, I sighed as he spun me around me facing him.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked and I looked at my feet or should I say 'our' feet.

"Look at me" he growled and he lifted my chin up, making me look at him. His blue orbs weren't light, they were dark.

"Luke, we're step siblings now, I think that we should stop, this love- relationship we have"

His eyes softened, they weren't light or dark blue. They looked, different. I just can't explaib it.

"Oh" he said and stop touching me. *ahem that's what she said*

"okay" he said and I walked away, going outside to find Hannah and Dan.

Hannah blushed, while Dan lifted her chin up and kissed her lips. I mentally 'aww' ed at the sight.

"Hey, you okay?" asked a British voice and I found Phil.

"I saw you're little talk with Luke" he explained and I sighed, he hugged me and I hugged him.

He smells like, Chocolate.

"Did, you just smell me?" Phil asked laughing and I nodded, we laughed.

"I can hear Hannah and Dan sucking their faces off, 3 meters away"

"WE HEARD THAT!" yelled Dan and Phil and I laughed again.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to chill with Dan and I some day?" he asked and I nodded then hugged him.

"Thanks Phil"


yeah, wrote this in 5 mintues I just wrote random shit!

you're welcome!



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