Chapter 16

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The next day, Andrew and Lacey went to their honeymoon, leaving Alex and I alone in the house, for 2 weeks. Not a good idea to leave, 2 hormonal teenagers alone. Lacey, told us if we had sex we must clean our sheets, but I don't even think Alex is into me. Since yesterday, we shouldn't hook up/ date, wait were we even in an realtionship? Because I really didn't think we were. 

"Luke, I'm off to Phils" Alex yelled and I stayed calm, she slammed the door shut. I got my phone, unlocking it and looking at my contacts, I hovered over her name. I pressed call. 

"Jenna, I need help"


"DAN STOP!" I giggled as he kissed my neck, leaving butterfly kisses on my jawline. "KEEP IT PG!" yelled Alex she was on Phil's back, giving her a piggy back ride, which was really cute. A lion and a panda, well Luke and Alex, where a peguin and a panda. 

"I think, Alex still wants Luke" Dan muttered and I nodded as he intertwined out fingers, they fit perfectly like a puzzle. I blushed, and we heard Phil and Alex, laugh from upstairs really loudly. Dan and I were watching Doctor Who while, making out. Don't judge us, we're weird.

"But, Phil likes Alex aswell, damn everyone likes Alex" I muttered, which sounded jealous, but I was happy for her. Most people don't accept her weirdness, while others do because it makes her unquie, and she's my bestfriend, the one I trust. But she's not my most trusted, I have my bestest friend everr, Lilli. Alex, really doesn't know Lilli, because she's more attached to Calum.

"We should make them, a ship name cause, Alex and Phil kept texting and our ship name, is Dannah. I like the sound for Alex and Phil, Phex" I nodded at the ship name, "Then Luke and Alex, Aluke" 

"OHMYGOD!" Alex yelled, and ran downstairs and explained how her mother, stocked the freezer with ice-cream. We all ran to her house, but we noticed a car out the front. "Probs Michaels, my new step-cousin" she explained and we nodded, we entered to find clothes all around the house, they were slutty clothes, Alex reassured that it was probably a dare, but her eyes looked hurt. She loves Luke, she's had a crush on him for 5 years now, and when he gets her, she gets confused.

We all went silently to her and Lukes room, it was closed and she opened it, find Luke and Jenna, the schools slut having sex. Luke covered himself, with one of the blankets and so did Jenna. "Alex, y-your home early" Luke muttered, he looked at Phil who was hugging Alex and looked pissed.

"Oh, I'm sorry that I walked in, when your having sex! I wanted to actually continue the realtionship, we had but I forgot the old Luke that has one night stands with every girl, and breaks the girl that actually loved and cared about you heartbroken, oh wait I forgot. I'm too weird to be loved she cried and he looked guility. I was too busy looking, pissed at him.

"Alex, I'm sorry"

"I hate you Luke, I WISHED I NEVER LIKED YOU!"



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