Chapter 10

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Once I arrived at Hannah's place. Her mother and father , weren't home and her brother Cody was at someone elses house.

She had tubs of ice cream everywhere, with choclate wrappers scattered.

Geez we're fat.

She was watching abunch of pokemon, that not cheering her up. She usually would get up and pretend to be a trainer sending out a Pokemon.

It was 3am, and I had to go get some stuff for the wedding, with Luke, Mum and Dad.

Hannah say me yawn and she yawned aswell.

- 9am -

"Luke, Alex hurry up!" our parents yelled while going to the car.

Luke removed himself from me as I quickly placed my clothes on, me having sex hair.


I ran downstairs, but on my way running into someone.

"Sorry" I mumbled standing up, Luke smiling at me.

"Hey,Babe" he winked and I looked at his eyes.

"Are you fucking high?" I hissed and he nodded.

"When, did you take drugs?" I asked.

"2 hours ago" he answered as I rolled my eyes and walked to the car.

Of course, the schools popular boy does drugs.

not edited, i really need to edit my shizz.

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