Chapter Nine

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-1 month and 3 weeks later-

"Noo!" I yelled as I covered my eyes, not wanting to look at the ugly person Iam.

"Alex, you look fine" Hannah and Angel reassured me, "That's what you said when I liked Reese and yet he called me ugly" i pouted.

"Wait" Hannah said, I felt her play with my hair that was curled, she ruffled it and played with it twirling it in her hand.

"Wow" Angel breathed, as I removed my hands. Hannah was standing behind me, my curled hair was framing my face. The dress was a white one which, went to my knees.

"Wow" Someone said, I saw Ashton, Luke and Calum in the mirror. I smiled at Luke, in the mirror.

"Dayum, Luke your girlfriend is finee" Calum joked, everyone laughed while I flipped Calum the bird.

I played with the dress, my white converses matching it, but no I have to wear heels just for the ceremony.

I took the dress off hanging it, I placed my pants and t-shirt on and walked out.

I gave the dress to the lady, to tell her it's my size.

"How was the suit fitting?" I asked Luke, who shrugged.

"I just wished a hot, brunette told me I looked sexy and made out with me in the change rooms" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm hungryyy!" i whine as I ran out of the store, my house, I mean Luke and I's house was 5 blocks away.

I ran remembering Mum and 'Dad' made tacos.


I sat on my bed writing my English paper, as I threw the crappy book at the wall in frustation.

Luke walked in, closing the door. He looked at the book before picking it up.

"Moby Dick?" he asked and I shrugged before closing all of my books and throwing them on the floor.

"ALEX!" my mother yelled as I yelled an apology.

Luke was on his bed, on his phone, as usual.

My phone started ringing, and Luke raised an eyebrow.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Alex-x, I made a mistake" Hannah sniffed which made me worrided.

"What happended?" I asked.

"Dan kissed me,  I told you my crush on him, but David say he had a girl on his arm, now I don't know what to do"

"I'm coming" I said and hanged up before standing up.

"You okay?" Luke asked and I nodded.

"Okay, bye" he said and I rolled my eyes, Luke is having mood swings, from being happy, and weird from thinking the world was stupid.

I can never figure him out.


not edited

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