Chapter 19

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"Ashton! Stay still!" I yelled at him, as I trimmed his hair but he kept squirming. I sighed, this calls for serious measure, I put some whipped cream in my hand and slapped it on his face. He screamed, just as I finished cutting his hair.

"What happened?!" yelled 3 boys, they looked at me then Ashton, who was covered in whipped cream. "He kept moving" I shrugged and sneakily, placed whipped cream in my hands. The.boys were too busy, looking at Ashton. I slapped the whipped cream, on the back of Michael's head, Luke's face and Calum's hair. I ran out of the room,.before running into Niall.

"Paka-Chow!" I yelled and slapped whipped cream, into his face. I kept running, until I reached the stage. Liam and Zayn, were there so I slapped whipped cream on their faces. Soon, after I slapped everyone with whipped cream, they cornered me as I gulped. But, due to me being short, I ran past them, until someone grabbed my waist.

"Alex, you have to wipe this off now" Luke smirked, before kissing me the whipped cream on my face. I heard 'aww'ing but since I'm evil, I did something that made Luke pissed.

Once, we parted I slapped him, again with whipped cream and he groaned in response as I ran away from the angry mob of boys. I ran into the bathroom, and I sighed until I got hit by a water balloon. I saw a smirking Luke, and I ran towards him tackling him to the ground. I wiped the whipped cream off, and left a moustache on him, ahh wonderful.

"LUKE, SOUNDCHEC-" Ashton stopped and looked at our position, "Please, don't tell me your having sex in the bathroom" I groaned, as I looked at my watch. I had to help, Lou with the 1D boys.

I got off Luke, and ran to the 1D dressing room, to find 5 boys glaring at me. "Oh, shut up you know that it was funny" I laughed and the boys nodded. I started with Liam's hair.

- After Concert -

Luke and I, where.. Uh making out on the hotel bed, the thing was we where sharing a room with Ashton and Calum who are in the room next door. I tugged at Luke's shirt, and he took it off in one swift movement. I knew this was wrong, but I didn't want to stop. I traced my finger, over his muscular chest.

"Are you sure?" he asked and I nodded, "USE PROTECTION!" yelled Ashton, "Will do" winked Luke.

-Next Morning-

I woke up, and quickly placed on some pants and t-shirt before running towards the bathroom, emptying my guts out, through my mouth region. I sighed, let's get something straight, Luke & I had sex. (haha tmi but oh whale) We used, protection and everything, so I can't be pregant. I shook my head, probably morning sickness. I brushed my teeth, and quietly went to the living room, I looked out Luke & I's room it looked like a sex tornado had hit.

I found, Calum and Ashton sitting on the couch, they looked like they didn't get sleep at all. "No sleep?" I asked and they smirked, "yeah, because we heard 'Oh, don't stop!' every 10 mintues" Ashton explained as I hit him, in the head. "You, sir need help" I laughed and sat in his lap. Ashton, was the big brother type, all of them were expect my real big brother was my boyfriend.

"Ashton, have you seen Alex?" Luke asked and he saw me in his arms, I closed my eyes and listened to their conversation, "Oh yeah, I forget thanks for making Alex scream and moan really loud" I tried not to laugh, Ashton laughed, his chest vibrating, as he laughed.

"Oh, Fuck yeah Alex, don't stop!" Ashton moaned and I breathed in, trying not to laugh. "Plus, it doesn't help that the walls kept vibrating" I giggled and walked to the kitchen, while going on twitter.

"Ow, Ashton Stop!" yelled Luke and I chuckled while placing a cookie in my mouth. I walked back into the lounge room and went on my phone. I went on twitter and saw 2 tweets -

@Calum5SOS : @Ashton5SOS and I can't sleep, due to @Alex5SOS and @Luke5SOS -.-

@Ashton5SOS : @Alex5SOS & @Luke5SOS, stop being loud, @Calum5SOS and I want to embrace our #Cashton moments.

"You guys are idoits, maybe they know we did it" I sighed and they laughed while, my phone beeped 2 times.

@Luke5SOS : #Cashton are trouble makers. They're making fun of @Alex5SOS and I. :(

@Michael5SOS : @Alex5SOS what happened? Did you attack @Luke5SOS with whipped cream again?

"Oh my god Michael"

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