Chapter Three

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"Did you just say stepbrother?" I asked and my mum smirks before saying goodnight and going to her room, as I sighed.

I went to my room, changing into a over-sized t-shirt and my fluffly panda socks. Yay Kmart! :)

I went on my laptop, going on FaceBook when I got a nessage fron Luke.


Did you find out?

The step-brother thing?

Yeah, holy shit, you're going  to be my younger step-sister.

Hey! I'm only younger by 1 day. :(

Yeah, yeah whatever princess. ;)

Douche nugget.

Hey why are you even talking to me? I thought you hated me and shit considering that you always ignore me. :/

I decided to change, I wanted to start new since our parents are getting marrided, and well yeah. So I will be hanging out with you more often.

With Hannah and Angel?

Hannah screams about her fetish for David, Angel and Ashton makeout every 5 seconds. :3

Well, whatever, anyway I need some girly advice. *flips hair*

What is it gurll?

I'm dating Aliesha and I like someone else, you don't know her and I want to break up with her and maybe date the other girl. Any ideas?

The mention of another crush, made my heart break into a million peices. Tears were in my eyes, why am I so pathetic it's just Luke.

You asking a girl, whos dated 1 guy and he broke up with me. :/

Naw sorry. :(

We talked until 11pm, since it was a school night.

Bye Lucas! :)

Bye Alexis. ;)

I smiled as I closed my laptop sighing, I got to know Luke more.

-Next Morning-

"Alex! Go now!" my mother yelled as I got my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I kissed her cheek before exiting while a half eaten breakfeast bar was in my mouth.

My hair was in a high ponytail, while wearing a cream tuck in with some white high waisted shorts and my white converses.

I grabbed my skateboard and skated to school.

When I arrived I saw Hannah, Angel, Ashton, Luke, David and Calum. I skated to them before picking my board up and placing it in my backpack.

"Naw, Hannah and David Smith" I smirked and Hannah punched me as I laughed. David kissed her cheek as she blushed and I 'awwed' mentally not verbally .

"Why must I only be single?" I groaned and Calum wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Come on, lets go be single pringles" he said and I glanced at Luke his knuckles were white from clenching, his eyes glaring at Calum.

What's wrong with him?


jokes! xD

happy @Echostream_Warrior?

not edited cause i'm lazy! :)

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