Chapter 15

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"Luke, you okay? You've been down since you followed the Alex girl" my cousin Michael said and I sighed

"That's my step-sister and, we've kinda been hooking up" I shrugged as I finished my drink. Which was beer, yes I'm underage, but it's okay.

Because, I just don't care anymore.


"Hannah and Dan, sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Phil and I sung, while they glared at us, Hannah and Dan holding hands.

Remind me to kick Davids ass, for hurting my bestfriend.

It's funny, how people say I'm clingy but I'm just looking out for people, escpecially my friends.

"Oh come on, bugging us when you got a thing for Phil" Hannah smirked as I mentally threw ice- cream at her face.

But, she wouldn't scream, she wouldn't bitch about it. She would eat it and throw some at me and we would start an ice cream fight.

"I'm taking all of your Doctor Who merch" I threaten and Hannah shut up while Dan hugged her because, Hannahs an Whovian.

"I find their fetishes weird" Phil muttered and I nodded in agreement.

"But, they're a match made in heaven" I shrug and Phil shrugs aswell.

"Anyway, I think that Dan and I will go. It seems like they won't stop sucking each others faces off" Phil explains.

"Come on, Dan" Phil says, but Dan kept kissing Hannah. Oh god, I could hear their slober.

"Wait, Phil" I said and Phil looked at me, while I looked at my feet.

"Do you, like me?" I whispered and he nodded.

"Of course, I'm talking to you" he smiled and I looked at his green orbs.

"No, like like me?" Phil sighs and plays with the hem of his formal t-shirt.

"Look, Alex you just finished something with Luke. I don't want to push you into anything, but yes I do"

I smiled as a blush spread on my cheeks.

"But you deserve, Luke" he said and I nodded, he kissed my forehead.

"I'll always be here for you" he promised and walked away with a giddy Dan.

I looked at Hannah, as she loojed at me.

"He's right Alex, you and Luke are ment for each other. Even if you're related"



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