Chapter 17

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I punched my wall, it leaving a fist print, on my wall. As I groaned, in frustration but I started crying, as I just messed up Alex and I's relationship. I've had a crush on Alex, since 8th grade.

"I'm a fucking idoit!" I hissed as I cried, I heard my door open to find Calum, Michael and Ashton were their. Ashton, looked pissed while Calum looked sympathetic and Michael looked confused.

"LUKE, WHAT THE FUCK! YOU HURT, ALEX SO MUCH!" Ashton yelled, while Calum held him back. Ashton, looked scared.

"Luke, do you know what happened last time, someone cheated with her?" he asked and Calum nodded, while Michael nodded aswell and he doesn't even go to our school.

"She-e-e" Ashton got stuttered but burst out crying and ran out, I looked out the window, and he hugged a crying, Alex.

"Luke, Alex self-harmed. She died, but came back to life, she was in a mental hospital for 2 months" My eyes widen, I ran out of the room, pushing everyone out of my way.

I grabbed Alex, and kissed her. I kissed her, because -

I, Lucas Robert Hemmings am in love with Alex Mitchell.

"Luke, stop" she pushed me away, "I don't want Jenna's germs on my mouth" she smirked and kissed me again.

I smiled, as we were making out in our front yard.

"Luke" she pushed me away.

"I l-love you"


hey guess what!

this book is nearly finished


anyway, new fanfic coming out!


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