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Hey, hey. So here's a JiKook. I was watching avatar and was suddenly inspired. Don't call me out for anything. The only thing I was inspired by, was the abilities (water bending, earth bending etc. that stuff) so I decided hey let's do a thing.

You don't need to read this. It won't affect anything you read in the book. You can even come back to this and read if you'd like. It just gives you a little insight on the main characters. Not necessarily background, but just some facts and things about them that might help you to understand them better.

Let me give you all a glimpse into this world.

The year is 2035. It's the future. Technology is way advanced and more has yet to be discovered. The story starts and it is somewhat almost the end of summer. The month is August. The beginning date is 17 August, 2035.


Park Jimin:

Basic Description:

Park Jimin is considered the 'avatar' in this story. Now I don't call it an avatar, in this book it will be referred to as the Variant. (definition i'm referring to: a variant of a particular thing is something that has a different form than that thing, though it is related to it). This means while a Jimin is just Jimin, he has multiple forms of himself. He can switch between forms often, which drains his energy a lot. No one in the story understands Jimin yet. No one knows why he was born the way he was. He is quite the complicated character.


Age (in story): He is 19.

Human Appearance: He tends to stick to dark, thin clothing, but don't be startled if he shows up in a white t shirt. Almost sheer button ups or plain t shirts, skinny jeans, combats boots or high top sneakers. His hair is black and his eyes are dark. He pretty much is based off of 'Fire Era' Jimin.

Variant Appearance: When Jimin's in his Variant form, he looks elegant and princely in a sense

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Variant Appearance: When Jimin's in his Variant form, he looks elegant and princely in a sense. He still dresses dark, but differently. His hair is a shade of grey and his eyes are lighter. His outfits are usually dark shades of any colours. Picture him as 'Blood Sweat, and Tears Era' Jimin.

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