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Edited: 5-15-19

Jimin's Monologue:
I'm not your average human and I never will be. My role is to simply fulfill orders, to be bossed around as a puppet on a string. They don't know how powerful I am and honestly, I don't even know myself. I do know that I can burn the building down with a simple blink of my eyelids, I can make everyone freeze to death and make them statues, ... but I won't do that. I still have a cover that I can't blow. Not this early in my mission. Not ever.

I'm an agent. Sort of. Not just any agent. Not some FBI bullshit. No. I work for... let's just call him Dan. I work for Dan. A cruel guy on the outside and a sweetheart on in the inside if you ask me. Although, he could tear me apart limb by limb and sell me for pennies He can make anyone and everyone work for him. He sees himself as a higher up, which technically he is. I don't know why I've agreed to be a part of his 'idea.' I'm superior to him in many more ways than he is to me and lately, he's been getting on my nerves. I'm learning to cope with his ignorant bullshit though.

I don't associate with people in this... association. I just successfully carry out my tasks by all means and report it. In this world, you don't have time to know your surroundings, you don't have time to make friends. This is life, not a game. We go on missions and report our findings. It's not interesting at all. The missions I'm put on are insulting to my ability. I go on missions alone and it's as if I brought an army with me. Why do they put me on these missions that a regular sSolitary can go on? I'll have you know, I'm not a damn Solitary like the rest of them. I'm the Variant, a rare specimen. There's only been two other Variants before me, but they're long gone now. I get that I'm some sort of rare... Alexandrite or something... but they don't need to treat me like I'm five.

Jimin's POV: 17 August, 2035

I sat in my room. All the agents of this place have their own room, and freedom to do as they please, but we aren't that free. Everyone has the 'higher ups' checking on them. It's quite annoying. I could be in the middle of dressing myself, and considering those asshats have a duplicate keycard and combination to my room, I'm not safe. No one is really. What if you decided to bring someone here and you were just fucking on the floor? Like privacy? Thanks. I think I should take that up with uh... Dan...

Anyway, I was sat on my bed with my legs crossed. I faced the huge window, which looking out was a beautiful sight. The gardens were right below and it was summertime. While it is beautiful to see the colorful flowers and greenness of the trees and other living things, I hate summer. It's far too hot for someone... like me to survive in.

I sighed and I twirled my index finger in front of my eyes. My elbow was rested on my knee and I moved my wrist in small circular motions. As I did so, my index finger was pointed upwards. A small trail of blue, icy, snow flakes followed my finger as I made these movements. Like I said, it was way too hot for my survival, so I have to cool myself off somehow. Using my abilities are pretty much the only way right now. Seriously, I need to invest in an air conditioner or something.

My head shot in the direction of a knock on my door. I put my hand down and the icy trail had stopped.

"It's open!" I yelled, not bothering to look up.

"Agent P.JM, the boss requests you."

I stared wide eyed, wondering what the boss could possibly want. I was off today, I was on break. There weren't any missions I was assigned to. In fact, I wasn't supposed to be assigned to anything today. We only get off every so often, me more than others considering I'm 'special.' Not gonna lie, I was tired, mainly because of the heat though. But still, It. Was. My. Day. Off.

"What does he want?" I asked now standing, ready to follow the secretary to the boss's office. I took a quick glance in the mirror to make sure I didn't look like a mess. Let's be honest, I can't possibly ever look like a mess.

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